Day-to-Night Bridal Packages

The W Hotel New York's Bridal Package Takes Parties from Day to Dusk

The W Hotel in New York is now providing an incredible bridal package that will carry celebrations from morning to night. The package begins with a brunch for friends and family and concludes with a party in the evening at the hotel's EWOW suite. This bridal package was developed as a way to appeal to the modern bride's need to please both her grandmother and her girlfriends.

The day-to-night bridal package includes a private bar experience and custom cupcakes infused with booze. The $20,000 experience also includes sleeping arrangements for a group of friends, so that everyone can have a nice place to rest their heads after a wild night of entertainment.

Rather than hosting a gathering that only lasts a few hours, this immersive experience sets activities for nearly the course of an entire day.
Trend Themes
1. Extended Celebration Packages - Creating comprehensive, multi-event packages that provide a fuller experience for special occasions.
2. Customized Food and Drink Offerings - Offering personalized food and drink options that are infused with the customer's preferred flavors.
3. Group Rest Accommodations - Providing group accommodations for extended celebrations, so guests can rest comfortably after a long day of activities.
Industry Implications
1. Hospitality Industry - Hotels building comprehensive packages that provide a full day and night of celebration for guests.
2. Event Planning Industry - Creating custom packages for special events that provide extended entertainment and food options.
3. Food and Beverage Industry - Offering personalized, infused food options that allow customers to customize their experience and create a unique offering.

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