This video by College Humor diagnoses basic symptoms.
If you're prone to lighting scented candles, obsessively reading your horoscope or Instagramming inspirational quotes, you might have a case of the "Basic B*tch." I think Urban Dictionary put it most eloquently when it said a basic b*tch is a woman who "think she the sh*t but really ain't." Another definition classifies the basic b*tch as an "extra-regular female," which is slightly less offensive. Other symptoms of basic-ness include becoming irrationally excited about Starbucks' pumpkin spice lattes, marathoning any show on the TLC or MTV networks and dressing up as a "slutty fill-in-the-blank" for Halloween.
Though the term "basic b*tch" is relatively new to the pop cultural vernacular, it has taken the world by storm. Luckily, all of your basic symptoms are largely manageable, and perhaps, even preventable.
Basic-Diagnosing Parodies
This College Humour Video Goes Over the Basic Symptroms
Trend Themes
1. Basic-b*tch Culture - Opportunity for businesses to offer unique products and experiences that cater to the trend and go beyond basic.
2. Anti-basic Lifestyle - Opportunity for businesses to create products and services that offer unique, niche experiences that help individuals differentiate themselves from basic culture.
3. Basic-b*tch Shaming Backlash - Opportunity for businesses to create campaigns and initiatives that promote individuality and inclusivity.
Industry Implications
1. Fashion - Fashion industry can create relatable, yet unique trends that differentiate individuals from the basic culture.
2. Food and Beverage - Opportunity for food and beverage industry to offer trendy, unique products that go beyond basic offerings.
3. Entertainment - Entertainment industry can create niche content that appeals to individuals who want to differentiate from basic culture.