Thousands of pounds of real chocolate cookies go into the making of Bakesake, a 40% ABV liqueur that was created for everyone to enjoy together. As William Kehler, Founder of Bakesale, says "The problem was simple: if you bring tequila, your non-tequila drinking friends are left out. If you bring whiskey, your non-whiskey drinking friends won't enjoy it, but everyone loves cookies, so everyone can enjoy Bakesale together."
Bakesale is said to taste like cookies with a kick and it has the potential to make mixed drinks taste like baked goods.
Bakesale recently won the Double Gold Award at the 2022 San Francisco World Spirits Competition. This prestigious award is only awarded when every one of the 30 professional spirits judges independently award a spirit a Gold Medal in blind taste tests.
Cookie-Flavored Liquors
Bakesale Liquor is Made from Real Chocolate Chip Cookies
Trend Themes
1. Cookie-flavored Spirits - The rise of cookie-flavored spirits presents opportunities for innovative hybrid dessert-drink offerings.
2. Socially-inclusive Spirits - Spirits designed for socializing, like Bakesale, create avenues to target larger segments of all-consumer drinking occasions.
3. Sweetened High-proof Spirits - The appeal of sweetened high-proof spirits can lead to the development of creative desserts and beverages that incorporate the versatility of Bakesale.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The alcoholic beverage industry can tap into the potential of dessert-flavored spirits and create new brands and products that target niche segments.
2. Dessert & Baking - The dessert and baking industry can partner with spirit manufacturers to create innovative recipes and offerings that incorporate sweet liquors like Bakesale.
3. Hospitality - Innovative bars and restaurants can integrate cookie-flavored liquors like Bakesale to elevate and diversify their cocktail menus while targeting new customer segments