Cream-Topped Shooters

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Licor 43’s Baby Lager Looks Like a Shot-Sized Serving of Beer

Licor 43’s Baby Lager is presented in bespoke miniature glassware and mimics the look of a frothy, freshly poured pint with a layer of Licor 43 and cream liqueur. Beyond aesthetics, the rich cream liqueur pairs well with the vanilla and Mediterranean citrus notes in Licor 43.

Data from drinks importer-distributor Paragon Brands says that nearly half of Brits (47%) want a "baby" version of their favorite alcoholic drink and these shot-sized drinks are particularly appealing to Gen Z drinkers who grew fond of the Baby Guinness—a shot made with coffee liqueur and a float of Irish cream.

In line with this data, at bars and restaurants, adults are ordering more mini cocktails and cocktail shooter shots made with a mixture of multiple spirits over regular shots.
Trend Themes
1. Miniature Cocktails - The trend of creating 'baby' versions of popular cocktails is gaining traction among Gen Z and younger consumers.
2. Aesthetic Drink Presentations - Eye-catching drink presentations that mimic traditional beverages are becoming increasingly popular in upscale bars and restaurants.
3. Flavor Pairing Innovations - Combining multiple liqueurs to create new and rich flavor experiences offers exciting possibilities in the beverage industry.
Industry Implications
1. Alcoholic Beverages - The sector is exploring novel drink formats and presentations to capture the interest of younger demographics.
2. Hospitality - Bars and restaurants are innovating their beverage menus by introducing visually appealing and unique mini cocktails.
3. Glassware Design - Designing bespoke glassware that complements the visual appeal of new drink trends is becoming a key focus in the industry.

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