Middle Eastern Age Infographics

The Arab Youth Survey 2012 Looks at Life After the Arab Spring

After the monumental uprisings that swept the Middle East, the focus has been placed on the flourishing youth since they make up a large portion of the population in these countries. The survey results presented in this Infographic was taken by people aged 18 to 24 who are located in Bahrain, Iraq, Egypt, Kuwait, Jordan, Libya, Lebanon, Qatar, Oman, Tunisia, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Compared to the 2011 data, this years results indicate that people’s views on modern values versus traditional ones have exponentially increased from 17% to 65%. Middle Eastern countries are often very culturally and religiously driven compared to Western countries, so these results are a clear indication of an emerging new generation who want a drastic shift from that of their parents.

Overall, the study indicates that the primary concern for youths living in these countries is the need for a better salary in order to be able to own a home and afford a decent living due to the rising cost of living.
Trend Themes
1. Shifting Views on Modernity in the Middle East - Opportunity for businesses to cater to a younger generation seeking to adopt more modern values in traditionally conservative societies.
2. Youth Employment Concerns in the Middle East - Opportunity for businesses to tap into the needs of young professionals seeking better salaries to afford a decent living.
3. Changing Demographics in the Middle East - Opportunity for businesses to adjust their marketing and product offerings to appeal to a growing youth population.
Industry Implications
1. Financial Services - Opportunity for financial services companies to provide innovative solutions for young people seeking better salaries and financial stability.
2. Real Estate - Opportunity for real estate companies to cater to young people seeking affordable housing in the Middle East.
3. Consumer Goods - Opportunity for consumer goods companies to adapt their products to align with the new values and preferences of the younger generation in the Middle East.

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