Poignant Anti-Smoking Videos

This Anti-Smoking Ad for QUIT Puts Vine to Perfect Use

May 31st marks annual World No Tobacco Day and this year, the anti-smoking charity QUIT had the most brilliant anti-smoking ad created for it by M&C Saatchi.

The ad is basically an anti-smoking video, but what makes it so clever is that it makes full use of the six seconds of video that can be uploaded to Vine. The video is accompanied by a caption that reads "Every 6 seconds, someone dies from smoking." In this short six seconds, the clip notes that another smoker will die. As videos on Vine do, it loops over and over, and it implores smokers to quit so that they don't become part of this sad smoking statistic.

For World No Tobacco Day there were several different ads created for QUIT with different smokers, although the message is the same.
Trend Themes
1. Anti-smoking Campaigns Using Social Media - The use of social media platforms like Vine can be optimized by anti-smoking organizations to spread their message in a concise and creative way.
2. Short-form Video Advertising for Health Awareness - The success of the anti-smoking ad on Vine demonstrates the potential for short-form video advertising to be used in promoting other health causes on social media platforms.
3. Interactive Advertising to Advocate Health Initiatives - Advertisements that can grab the viewer's attention and motivate them to act, like the anti-smoking video, can be implemented by health advocacy organizations to encourage healthy lifestyle changes.
Industry Implications
1. Non-profit Health Organizations - Anti-smoking charity QUIT is an example of how non-profit health organizations can effectively use creative advertising methods to raise awareness about their initiatives.
2. Healthcare Advertising Agencies - Advertising agencies specializing in healthcare can take cues from M&C Saatchi's anti-smoking ad campaign, and explore possibilities of using short-form video advertising on social media platforms.
3. Public Health Policy Advocates - Advocates of public health policies can use creative tactics like QUIT's anti-smoking ad campaign to push for initiatives that promote healthy lifestyle changes and prevent negative health outcomes.

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