Fast Food Dog Treats

Del Taco Gave Away All-Natural Dog Treats for National Dog Day

For National Dog Day, American fast food restaurant Del Taco shared all-natural dog treats with fans on Instagram and made a limited number of bags available on its webstore. The breakfast-themed 'Del Barko' dog treats from Orange County's Naked Dog Bistro were offered in Bacon, Cheese and Hash Brown flavors, helping to treat canine companions to fun treats.

Beyond helping to treat dogs on National Dog Day, the Del Barko biscuits helped Del Taco promote its new Breakfast Toasted Wrap. Additionally, to treat humans for a limited time around this special day to celebrate dogs, Del Taco is giving away this new menu item to those who use the "DOGDAY" code in the Del Taco app with a purchase.
Trend Themes
1. All-natural Dog Treats - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop and market a line of all-natural dog treats that cater to the growing demand for natural and healthy pet products.
2. Promotional Giveaways - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize promotional giveaways to engage customers and create goodwill, effectively boosting brand awareness and loyalty.
3. Limited-time Offers - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement limited-time offers to drive customer excitement and create a sense of urgency in making purchases.
Industry Implications
1. Fast Food - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop and introduce healthier and more specialized food options to cater to the increasing consumer demand for healthier, more ethical fast food choices.
2. Pet Products - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create innovative pet products that focus on natural and healthy ingredients, addressing the growing market trend of pet owners seeking high-quality and nutritious options for their pets.
3. Digital Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Exploit digital marketing strategies, such as promotional codes delivered through mobile apps, to drive customer engagement and boost sales.

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