Liquid Death's 'Your Grandma’s Energy Drink' Stars Daring Old Women
Laura McQuarrie — March 2, 2023 — Marketing
References: adweek
As a canned water brand, Liquid Death's provocative advertising is more memorable than the taste of its products but the brand is venturing into the iced tea category with a new beverage lineup and a bold Your Grandma’s Energy Drink campaign to match. The campaign for the beverage brand's first iced tea products features grannies going wild for the all-new flavors like Grim Leafer, Rest in Peach and Armless Palmer.
Your Grandma’s Energy Drink introduces Liquid Death Iced Tea with geriatric women pulling stunts like adolescent men. In the campaign, the grannies play in heavy metal bands, do donuts in a car, grind down handrails on skateboards and also launch privates from their unmentionables.
The spirit of the campaign speaks to the rebels in the hearts of all consumers, regardless of age.
Your Grandma’s Energy Drink introduces Liquid Death Iced Tea with geriatric women pulling stunts like adolescent men. In the campaign, the grannies play in heavy metal bands, do donuts in a car, grind down handrails on skateboards and also launch privates from their unmentionables.
The spirit of the campaign speaks to the rebels in the hearts of all consumers, regardless of age.
Trend Themes
1. Provocative Advertising for Beverages - There are opportunities for other beverage brands to take bolder advertising risks to stand out in crowded markets.
2. Elderly-targeted Marketing - There are opportunities for brands to cater to the rebellious spirit of older consumers and challenge traditional age stereotypes.
3. Expanding Beverage Product Lines - There are opportunities for beverage brands to introduce new product lines and expand into other categories to increase market share.
Industry Implications
1. Beverage Industry - Beverage companies can take inspiration from Liquid Death's bold marketing tactics for their own advertising campaigns and introduce new product lines.
2. Marketing and Advertising Industry - Marketing and advertising firms can offer creative and bold ideas to beverage brands looking to stand out in the crowded market.
3. Elderly Care Industry - Elderly care companies can leverage the rebellious spirit of older consumers and promote active lifestyles to challenge age stereotypes and increase interest in their services.