VLS by Manuel Dominguez Actively Seeks Out Better Living Conditions
Michael Hines — November 26, 2013 — Lifestyle
References: dezeen
VLS by Manuel Dominguez is a conceptual mobile city that would let people move from area to area in search of better living conditions. VLS (Very Large Structure) is comprised of three levels and sits on caterpillar tracks. The structure is designed to be self-sustaining and would actually contribute new buildings to the area it is temporarily based in before moving on to a new location.
According to Dominguez, VLS could theoretically be built because it is based off of existing heavy machinery and sustainable infrastructure. That being said, at 1,837 feet long (560 meters), it may be tough to find that much open space to accommodate it. Regardless, the VLS by Manuel Dominguez is an interesting concept and one that proves that future living may not only occur in crowded and big cities.
According to Dominguez, VLS could theoretically be built because it is based off of existing heavy machinery and sustainable infrastructure. That being said, at 1,837 feet long (560 meters), it may be tough to find that much open space to accommodate it. Regardless, the VLS by Manuel Dominguez is an interesting concept and one that proves that future living may not only occur in crowded and big cities.
Trend Themes
1. Mobile Living - The concept of mobile cities like VLS presents an opportunity for innovative solutions in housing and urban planning.
2. Self-sustaining Structures - The idea of self-sustaining structures like VLS highlights the potential for disruptive innovation in sustainable architecture and infrastructure.
3. Flexible Urban Living - The concept of VLS and its ability to move to different locations opens up possibilities for flexible and adaptable urban living environments.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture - Architects can explore new design possibilities for mobile living structures like VLS.
2. Urban Planning - Urban planners can consider the implications and opportunities of dynamic, self-sustainable cities like VLS.
3. Construction - The construction industry can explore innovative techniques and materials to support the development of mobile, self-sustaining structures.