'The Day the LOLcats Died' Examines the Effects of SOPA
Marie — January 21, 2012 — Pop Culture
The threat of the USA's potential passing of the Stop Online Piracy Act is brought to light in LaughPong's recent YouTube video, 'The Day the LOLcats Died.' Set to the melody of Don McLean's 'American Pie,' the song highlights the effects of SOPA both financially and in terms of web user freedom, in America and around the globe.
While illegal downloads continue to be a problem for the entertainment industry, SOPA would affect many other sources of entertainment for online users, including access to the beloved 'LOLcat' memes. Both funny and informative, 'The Day the LOLcats Died' shows just how widespread the censoring of Internet content could be, should SOPA pass.
From Wikipedia and Reddit blackouts on January 17, to LOLcat-embracing song tributes, opposition of SOPA is being heard around the world. Check out 'The Day the LOLcats Died' for a clever look at this controversial issue.
While illegal downloads continue to be a problem for the entertainment industry, SOPA would affect many other sources of entertainment for online users, including access to the beloved 'LOLcat' memes. Both funny and informative, 'The Day the LOLcats Died' shows just how widespread the censoring of Internet content could be, should SOPA pass.
From Wikipedia and Reddit blackouts on January 17, to LOLcat-embracing song tributes, opposition of SOPA is being heard around the world. Check out 'The Day the LOLcats Died' for a clever look at this controversial issue.
Trend Themes
1. Online Freedom Advocacy - The Day the LOLcats Died highlights the growing trend of advocating for online freedom and opposing censorship.
2. Music as a Protest Tool - The use of music, like in The Day the LOLcats Died, to convey messages of protest and raise awareness about important issues.
3. User-generated Content Protection - The threat of SOPA and other censorship measures highlights the need for innovative solutions to protect user-generated content online.
Industry Implications
1. Entertainment - The entertainment industry, including music, memes, and user-generated content platforms, must find ways to adapt and thrive amidst potential censorship threats.
2. Technology - The technology industry has a unique role to play in creating tools and platforms that safeguard online freedom and protect user-generated content from censorship.
3. Digital Activism - Digital activism organizations and platforms are emerging as important players in the fight against online censorship, providing support and resources for those opposed to SOPA and similar measures.