Solidarites International Water Ink Ad Raises Awareness on Dirty Liquids
References: solidarites.org & ignant.de
The Solidarites International water ink ad raises awareness on the lack of clean water available to the underprivileged and those living in third world countries.
The powerfully engaging Solidarites International water ink ad comprises a white canvas painted with water by an artist. Black ink was then dipped into the liquid to create dark images associated with poverty and death. A voice-over narration in the commercial informs us that while water may seem harmless, it has led to many deaths, as its unsanitary forms have been given to the underprivileged. The video was directed by Clement Beauvais and produced by BDDP Unlimited and HUSH.
It's an incredibly well thought-out, well-executed commercial that evokes several emotions. This ad will have people who have clean water at their disposals thinking about how fortunate they really are.
The powerfully engaging Solidarites International water ink ad comprises a white canvas painted with water by an artist. Black ink was then dipped into the liquid to create dark images associated with poverty and death. A voice-over narration in the commercial informs us that while water may seem harmless, it has led to many deaths, as its unsanitary forms have been given to the underprivileged. The video was directed by Clement Beauvais and produced by BDDP Unlimited and HUSH.
It's an incredibly well thought-out, well-executed commercial that evokes several emotions. This ad will have people who have clean water at their disposals thinking about how fortunate they really are.
Trend Themes
1. Clean Water Advocacy - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop innovative water purification technologies to provide clean water to underprivileged communities.
2. Awareness Campaigns - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create compelling advertisements and videos that raise awareness about global water scarcity issues.
3. Social Responsibility Marketing - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Implement corporate social responsibility initiatives focused on improving water access and sanitation in developing countries.
Industry Implications
1. Water Purification - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Invest in research and development of advanced water purification systems for efficient and cost-effective clean water solutions.
2. Advertising - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Utilize creative and thought-provoking advertising strategies to educate and engage audiences on pressing social and environmental issues.
3. Corporate Social Responsibility - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop comprehensive CSR programs that address water sanitation challenges and contribute to sustainable solutions in affected communities.