John Looser's Bird Mansions Will Make Your Jaw Drop
JDurhamII — February 16, 2011 — Art & Design
References: extremebirdhouse & bornrich
John Looser took his love for birds a few steps higher than most when he created these featured bird mansions. The largest one measures a cool 9ft in diameter.
These handmade palatial treehouse estates by John Looser are literally rivals of some real mansions. Some boast 100 rooms and even swimming pools for the chirpy animals. You too can be the envy of all your neighbors by putting your flying friends in the lap of luxury. John Looser definitely sets the bar pretty high for those looking to install birdhouses in their backyards.
These handmade palatial treehouse estates by John Looser are literally rivals of some real mansions. Some boast 100 rooms and even swimming pools for the chirpy animals. You too can be the envy of all your neighbors by putting your flying friends in the lap of luxury. John Looser definitely sets the bar pretty high for those looking to install birdhouses in their backyards.
Trend Themes
1. Luxury Birdhouses - The trend of creating luxurious and palatial birdhouses is emerging, presenting opportunities for high-end birdhouse manufacturers and designers to innovate and cater to the high-end market.
2. Pet Accommodation - The trend of pampering pets is extending to birds, presenting opportunities for pet care and accommodation industries to introduce bird-oriented products and services.
3. Home Garden Decor - Birdhouses as elaborate home garden decor pieces are becoming popular, presenting opportunities for product designers and manufacturers to create inventive designs and materials for birdhouses.
Industry Implications
1. Animal Housing - The animal housing industry can innovate to cater to the high-end birdhouse market, expanding product offerings and exploring new materials and styles.
2. Pet Care - Pet care businesses can introduce bird-focused products and services, such as luxury birdhouses, bird feeders, and bird grooming services.
3. Home and Garden Decor - The home and garden decor industry can capitalize on the trend of elaborate birdhouses as statement pieces, creating new designs and materials for birdhouses that appeal to a high-end market.