Going Like Sixty — September 29, 2008 — Social Good
References: prayforsarahpalin
Sarah Palin needs prayer according to Vicky Garza, the owner of the Garza Creative Group in Dallas.
Garza launched a website the same day Sarah Palin made her speech at the Republican National Convention. PrayForSarahPalin.com is based on the hope one person from every zip code in the U.S. will pray for Sarah Palin. These prayers are for the woman who was mayor of a small town in Alaska, nominated for VP, and recently gave a disastrous interview with Katie Couric.
Sarah Palin could actually use some well wishing, especially considering her upcoming debate with Joe Biden and her not-so-good-on-the-fly demeanor.
Garza launched a website the same day Sarah Palin made her speech at the Republican National Convention. PrayForSarahPalin.com is based on the hope one person from every zip code in the U.S. will pray for Sarah Palin. These prayers are for the woman who was mayor of a small town in Alaska, nominated for VP, and recently gave a disastrous interview with Katie Couric.
Sarah Palin could actually use some well wishing, especially considering her upcoming debate with Joe Biden and her not-so-good-on-the-fly demeanor.
Trend Themes
1. Prayer for Public Figures - The trend of launching websites or campaigns dedicated to praying for public figures like Sarah Palin presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the realm of spiritual support and community building.
2. Political Debates - The trend of public figures participating in debates, such as Sarah Palin's upcoming debate with Joe Biden, presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the realm of debate preparation and candidate coaching.
3. Online Activism - The trend of launching websites like PrayForSarahPalin.com as a form of online activism presents disruptive innovation opportunities in the realm of digital platforms for social and political causes.
Industry Implications
1. Spiritual & Religious - The spiritual and religious industry can capitalize on the trend of websites or campaigns dedicated to praying for public figures, like the PrayForSarahPalin.com website.
2. Political Consulting - The political consulting industry can leverage the trend of political debates, such as Sarah Palin's upcoming debate, to offer innovative services in debate preparation and candidate coaching.
3. Digital Activism - The digital activism industry can harness the trend of launching websites as a form of online activism to provide innovative digital platforms and tools for social and political causes.