Recruiting Coordinator Talera Screens Job Applicants In Little to No Time
Alyson Wyers — January 30, 2016 — Lifestyle
If you need help with the hiring process, this app is your new recruiting coordinator. Startup Talera is a web-based platform that can screen job applications in seconds, helping you find a great hire before someone else does. This comes in particularly handy in both positions that need filling right away, but also in extremely competitive industries.
The recruiting coordinator also scans for online profiles like LinkedIn and GitHub, enhancing applications and digging deeper. It even handles correspondence with applicants by sending rejections on your behalf and getting the ball rolling with those moving forward. This leaves you with more time to review resumes. You can also do the reviewing anywhere, on any iOS device.
The recruiting coordinator also scans for online profiles like LinkedIn and GitHub, enhancing applications and digging deeper. It even handles correspondence with applicants by sending rejections on your behalf and getting the ball rolling with those moving forward. This leaves you with more time to review resumes. You can also do the reviewing anywhere, on any iOS device.
Trend Themes
1. Automated Recruitment - The rise of smart hiring apps like Talera presents opportunities for startups to develop apps with even greater machine learning and AI capabilities for screening job applications in seconds.
2. Streamlined Talent Acquisition - Apps like Talera also present an opportunity for larger companies to create their own talent acquisition software for faster and more streamlined recruitment processes.
3. App-based Recruitment - Talera's app-based platform highlights an opportunity for businesses to create their own recruitment apps for iOS and Android devices for more convenient and accessible hiring processes.
Industry Implications
1. Human Resources - Talera's launch paves the way for HR companies to develop their own smart hiring apps to offer their clients easy, fast and accurate recruitment processing.
2. Recruitment Technology - The rise of Talera presents opportunities for recruitment technology companies to innovate and incorporate AI and machine learning into their platforms.
3. Startup Recruitment - Talera's efficient and competitive platform presents an opportunity for startups to create their own app-based recruitment software to improve their own hiring processes.