Arctic Birds Play Kris Kringle for PR
Unlike the fake penguin chap in the first picture, this story involves real penguins dressed in Santa suits.
What the heck is wrong with people? In the film, penguins are dressed like Santa--clearly some sort of penguin PR stunt--and are carried around as toys. Poor guys, they can’t be very happy.
They do look very cute and not particularly bothered, but the one on the sleigh does not look too pleased as he zooms down the hill on a crazy man's lap!
The five penguins are on loan from a zoo in Seoul, welcoming visitors with a mini-parade that they will perform daily until Christmas Day.
What the heck is wrong with people? In the film, penguins are dressed like Santa--clearly some sort of penguin PR stunt--and are carried around as toys. Poor guys, they can’t be very happy.
They do look very cute and not particularly bothered, but the one on the sleigh does not look too pleased as he zooms down the hill on a crazy man's lap!
The five penguins are on loan from a zoo in Seoul, welcoming visitors with a mini-parade that they will perform daily until Christmas Day.
Trend Themes
1. Animal PR Stunts - There is an opportunity for businesses to create unique promotional events involving animals to gain media attention and engage with audiences.
2. Holiday-themed Animal Costumes - Designing festive costumes for animals, like penguins in Santa suits, can be a profitable niche market for pet clothing companies.
3. Experiential Marketing with Animals - Incorporating animals in experiential marketing campaigns, such as penguin parades, can create memorable and shareable experiences for consumers.
Industry Implications
1. Zoos - Zoos can leverage animal PR stunts and holiday-themed events to attract more visitors and increase revenue.
2. Pet Clothing - The pet clothing industry can tap into the demand for holiday-themed animal costumes, like penguins in Santa suits, to enhance their product offerings.
3. Advertising and Marketing - Advertising and marketing agencies can explore the potential of using animals, like penguins, in experiential marketing campaigns to create unique brand experiences.