Spotify's Pet Playlist Generator Compiles Music for Pets
Laura McQuarrie — January 15, 2020 — Lifestyle
References: pets.byspotify & digitaltrends
Just as people have their own preferences in music, animals are soothed by different sounds and Spotify's newest playlist generator helps to create a curated list of music for pets. The newly launched tool is useful for creating a tailored playlist not just for a dog or cat but potentially also a reptile companion, a hamster or a bird.
Users are able to answer a few questions on the qualities of their pet, such as if they tend to be energized or relaxed, shy or friendly, apathetic or curious. To finish off the custom playlist for a pet that synchs with an owner's taste, Spotify users are able to enter their pet's name and add a photo.
Users are able to answer a few questions on the qualities of their pet, such as if they tend to be energized or relaxed, shy or friendly, apathetic or curious. To finish off the custom playlist for a pet that synchs with an owner's taste, Spotify users are able to enter their pet's name and add a photo.
Trend Themes
1. Pet-targeted Playlists - The creation of pet-centered playlists offers an opportunity for music streaming platforms to expand and diversify their market.
2. Data-driven Pet Care - The use of data insights to customize pet playlists presents an opportunity for innovative pet care services that leverage technology to enhance pet well-being.
3. Artificial Intelligence for Pet Entertainment - The integration of AI technology to analyze animals' behavior and preferences can offer an opportunity for pet technology companies to create advanced entertainment systems for pets.
Industry Implications
1. Music Streaming Services - Music streaming platforms can leverage creating custom pet playlists to expand their market and attract more animal lovers.
2. Pet Care Industry - The pet care sector can innovate by integrating data insights to offer custom-tailored services for animals such as behavioral or personality-specific pet playlists.
3. Pet Technology Companies - Incorporating AI technology to analyze pets' preferences for music and other forms of entertainment presents a massive opportunity for next-generation pet tech entrepreneurs.