Mood Bears Recite Poems to Express Different Emotions
Laura McQuarrie — May 17, 2023 — Life-Stages
References: toyworldmag
Mood Bears were created to help and encourage everyone to understand their thoughts feelings and emotions, and the brand is now launching talking toys that recite poems. Each colorful teddy bear represents a different mood and they all share an uplifting message through the form of a poem.
There's Hope Bear, Happy Bear and Calm Bear, which have their own way of helping their owner cope with, and talk about, emotional moments in life.
Millions of people struggle with their mental health each year and Jo Proud, the owner of Mood Bears, was one of them. Jo created the first Mood Bear at a time in her life when she was experiencing a difficult time and saw the opportunity to uplift others.
There's Hope Bear, Happy Bear and Calm Bear, which have their own way of helping their owner cope with, and talk about, emotional moments in life.
Millions of people struggle with their mental health each year and Jo Proud, the owner of Mood Bears, was one of them. Jo created the first Mood Bear at a time in her life when she was experiencing a difficult time and saw the opportunity to uplift others.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Plush Toys - The trend of interactive plush toys is growing as they provide a unique interactive experience with consumers.
2. Emotional Intelligence - The trend of emotional intelligence is emerging as consumers are seeking tools to help them cope with their emotions and improve their mental health.
3. Personalized Learning - The trend of personalized learning is on the rise as consumers are seeking products that can be customized to their specific needs and preferences.
Industry Implications
1. Toy Industry - The toy industry has an opportunity to integrate technology and emotional intelligence into their products to enhance the interactive experience for consumers.
2. Mental Health Industry - The mental health industry has the opportunity to collaborate with toy companies to create products that promote emotional intelligence and improve mental health.
3. Education Industry - The education industry can incorporate interactive plush toys into the classroom to help students improve their emotional intelligence and communication skills.