Mayawell's Better-for-You Sodas Celebrate Their Heritage
Laura McQuarrie — September 13, 2023 — Marketing
References: drinkmayawell & prnewswire
Prebiotic sodas are gaining popularity among health-conscious consumers because they offer a delicious and refreshing way to support digestive health, maintain a balanced gut microbiome, reduce sugar intake and satisfy cravings for fizzy beverages without the guilt. Austin-based prebiotic soda manufacturer Mayawell is leaning into its Mexican heritage and debuting Mexican-inspired branding designed by Guadalajara-based design firm Heavy. With Mayan and Aztec influences, the freshly redesigned cans from the brand now share a look at the history and mythology of indigenous cultures. Each character aligns with Mayan and Aztec iconography, and the brand's refreshing beverages are represented by The Quetzal, The Jaguar, The Hare, The Feathered Serpent, and The Drinker.
As the first Mexican better-for-you soda on the market, Mayawell makes it easy to enjoy the benefits of functional ingredients and low-sugar formulas, plus unique flavors.
As the first Mexican better-for-you soda on the market, Mayawell makes it easy to enjoy the benefits of functional ingredients and low-sugar formulas, plus unique flavors.
Trend Themes
1. Prebiotic Sodas - The rising popularity of prebiotic sodas among health-conscious consumers presents an opportunity for innovative beverages that support digestive health and maintain a balanced gut microbiome.
2. Mexican-inspired Branding - Mayawell's Mexican-inspired branding showcases the rich history and mythology of indigenous cultures, creating a disruptive opportunity to tap into cultural heritage within the beverage industry.
3. Better-for-you Sodas - Mayawell's positioning as the first Mexican better-for-you soda on the market opens up possibilities for disruptive innovation in the soda industry by offering functional ingredients, low-sugar formulas, and unique flavors.
Industry Implications
1. Functional Beverages - The growing demand for prebiotic sodas creates an opportunity for disruptive innovation in the functional beverages industry, focusing on digestive health and gut microbiome support.
2. Branding and Design - Mayawell's Mexican-inspired branding presents a disruptive opportunity for innovation in the branding and design industry, showcasing cultural heritage and history through packaging and visual storytelling.
3. Beverage Manufacturing - Mayawell's introduction of better-for-you sodas encourages disruptive innovation in the beverage manufacturing industry, with a focus on alternative ingredients, low-sugar options, and unique flavors.