The Wild Whipping Hair Series by Mark Laroche
Francis Tiangson — January 25, 2011 — Fashion
References: flickr & mymodernmet
This photo series by Mark Laroche seems to have taken a few notes from of Willow Smith's hair whipping song. It's a simple concept that was executed and pulled of magnificently.
Mark Laroche captures women furiously flipping their long locks creating some really interesting shapes and textures. Placed in front of a dark background and lit perfectly, some of the models look as if their hair has a life of its own. I imagine Mark Laroche would have shampoo companies calling him everyday.
Mark Laroche captures women furiously flipping their long locks creating some really interesting shapes and textures. Placed in front of a dark background and lit perfectly, some of the models look as if their hair has a life of its own. I imagine Mark Laroche would have shampoo companies calling him everyday.
Trend Themes
1. Hair Whip Photography - Opportunity for photographers to explore the dynamic and expressive nature of hair whipping in their work.
2. Haircare Brand Partnerships - Shampoo companies and haircare brands can collaborate with photographers like Mark Laroche to create captivating visuals for their marketing campaigns.
3. Hair Texture Trend - Inspiration for hairstylists and fashion designers to incorporate and emphasize unique hair textures in their creations.
Industry Implications
1. Photography - Photographers can leverage the hair whip trend to offer unique and captivating photoshoot experiences for their clients.
2. Beauty and Personal Care - Beauty brands can tap into the hair whip trend to promote their haircare products and showcase the versatility of different hair types.
3. Fashion - Fashion designers can take inspiration from the hair whip photography to create designs that complement and enhance the dynamic movement of hair.