The Legitimate Rape Song Will Inform You of What Constitutes This Act
Jennifer Gosnell — August 22, 2012 — Naughty
The Legitimate Rape Song coming on the heels of Missouri Senate candidate Todd Akin’s remarks on abortion in the United States is one of the best things to come out of his political missteps. The Republican party, known for being controversially conservative in some instances, has since distanced themselves from Akin after he remarked that “if it’s really rape, the female body has ways to shut that whole thing down”—meaning that pregnancy never comes from rape when it’s real rape.
The Legitimate Rape Song will teach you what is and isn’t rape in a humorous, but politically infused manner. Akin’s remarks have sparked a huge debate within the United States and Republican party on the position of the party as a whole on the subject of abortion in the case of rape, incest and harm to women’s health.
The Legitimate Rape Song will teach you what is and isn’t rape in a humorous, but politically infused manner. Akin’s remarks have sparked a huge debate within the United States and Republican party on the position of the party as a whole on the subject of abortion in the case of rape, incest and harm to women’s health.
Trend Themes
1. Political Satire Music - The Legitimate Rape Song highlights the potential to create political satire music as a means of engaging and educating the public on relevant social issues.
2. Increased Public Discourse on Women's Rights - Todd Akin's remarks and subsequent backlash have led to increased public discourse on women's rights and may create opportunities for businesses that specialize in women's health, safety, and empowerment.
3. Shifts in Political Party Platforms - Todd Akin's remarks have provoked a reconsideration of the Republican party's position on abortion and may lead to changes in party platforms in an effort to appeal to a wider range of voters.
Industry Implications
1. Music Industry - The success of The Legitimate Rape Song suggests a potential market for political satire music and other types of music that engage with political issues.
2. Women's Health and Safety Industry - Increased public discourse on women's rights may lead to greater demand for businesses that prioritize women's health, safety, and empowerment.
3. Political Consulting Industry - As political parties reconsider their platforms and try to appeal to a wider range of voters, there may be opportunities for businesses that offer political consulting services.