The Outrageous 'Kiss Filmed Inside Mouth' GIF Has Gone Viral
Kristina Marković — February 11, 2014 — Lifestyle
The 'kiss filmed inside mouth' GIF seen on imgur has gained outrageous inter-web fame and slightly disgusting people. The Reddit user MrRobotGotAGato posted the fascinatingly disgusting video of a kiss from the inside a mouth. The gif has received mixed reviews from viewers ranging from “that’s disgusting can you brush your teeth please” to “wow that’s such a cool view." The unique video was filmed from inside a mans mouth and shows what a kiss looks like from the inside. The GIF cuts of just in time before the kiss gets sloppier.
People are use to watching kisses filmed outside the body that its incredibly weird for some to watch it from inside. Some people more than others are grossed out by the slimy tongue infused kiss due to the common belief that the mouth is not hygienic. However, love it or hate it the kiss filmed inside mouth GIF is an interesting approach.
People are use to watching kisses filmed outside the body that its incredibly weird for some to watch it from inside. Some people more than others are grossed out by the slimy tongue infused kiss due to the common belief that the mouth is not hygienic. However, love it or hate it the kiss filmed inside mouth GIF is an interesting approach.
Trend Themes
1. Internal Filming - Opportunity for camera companies to create specialized internal filming cameras for unique perspectives.
2. Unconventional Views - Opportunity for video sharing platforms to explore unconventional and unique views for content creators and their audiences.
3. Controversial Content - Opportunity for brands to create provocative and controversial content that sparks conversation and gains virality.
Industry Implications
1. Camera Equipment - Specialized camera equipment can be developed to cater to the growing demand of unconventional perspectives such as internal filming.
2. Social Media - Opportunity for social media platforms to encourage more creative and unique content for their audiences with unconventional perspectives.
3. Advertising - Opportunity for brands to push boundaries and create controversial content that attracts attention and builds brand recognition and awareness.