JetSet Graffiti Follows the Pro-Graffiti LA Freewalls Projects
Chalaine Mantha — April 12, 2011 — Pop Culture
References: jetsetgraffiti & bldgwlf
JetSet Graffiti is the first website that is dedicated to documenting street art from around the world, following the process of the LA Freewalls Projects. JetSet Graffiti’s goal is to “create a positive and constructive forum for the world to come together in appreciation of the greatest form of art: Public Expression.”
Graffiti is no longer only seen as something that is bad or gang-related, and is now viewed as a respected form of art when done without the intent of vandalizing private property. Sites like JetSet Graffiti give people the chance to see works from great artists who live in different places all around the world. The featured murals are part of the LA Freewalls Projects and can be seen all around Los Angeles, United States.
Graffiti is no longer only seen as something that is bad or gang-related, and is now viewed as a respected form of art when done without the intent of vandalizing private property. Sites like JetSet Graffiti give people the chance to see works from great artists who live in different places all around the world. The featured murals are part of the LA Freewalls Projects and can be seen all around Los Angeles, United States.
Trend Themes
1. Global Street Art Documentation - The trend of documenting street art from around the world allows for a broader appreciation and understanding of this art form.
2. Positive Perception of Graffiti - The shift in perception towards graffiti as a respected art form creates opportunities for artists to showcase their work and collaborate with communities.
3. Online Platforms for Graffiti Documentation - Websites like JetSet Graffiti provide a centralized platform for artists and enthusiasts to share and discover street art from different locations.
Industry Implications
1. Art Documentation and Curation - The art documentation industry can leverage the trend of street art documentation to curate and exhibit the works of graffiti artists globally.
2. Urban Revitalization and Community Engagement - The perception shift towards graffiti as a respected art form can be harnessed by urban revitalization projects to engage communities in the beautification of public spaces.
3. Digital Platforms and Social Networks - The rise of online platforms dedicated to street art documentation presents opportunities for the digital industry to create innovative tools and social networks tailored to street artists and enthusiasts.