'Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian' is a Kid's Book About Big Words
Joey Haar — April 18, 2018 — Life-Stages
References: kickstarter
From antidisestablishmentarianism to pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis, kids love discovering and trying their best to spit out some of the longest words in the English language, and a new book called 'Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian' helps them to find a few more. The kid's book features a super-long word beginning with every letter of the alphabet, with each word being accompanied by a weird and playful illustration depicting its meaning.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, which is ironically defined as "of, or pertaining to, extremely long words", is a great book for kids to read with their parents. It's pretty safe to say that even lexicographically advanced parents aren't likely to know all the words in the book — let alone be able to pronounce them — so it includes a helpful pronunciation guide in the back.
Hippopotomonstrosesquipedalian, which is ironically defined as "of, or pertaining to, extremely long words", is a great book for kids to read with their parents. It's pretty safe to say that even lexicographically advanced parents aren't likely to know all the words in the book — let alone be able to pronounce them — so it includes a helpful pronunciation guide in the back.
Trend Themes
1. Exploring Long Words - Opportunity to create educational materials and games that help kids explore and learn long words in a fun way.
2. Illustrated Vocabulary - Opportunity to develop illustrated books or apps that visually depict the meanings of complex words and enhance vocabulary learning.
3. Collaborative Parent-child Learning - Opportunity to create interactive platforms or activities that encourage parents and children to learn together and expand their knowledge of the English language.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Disruptive innovation opportunity for educational publishers and developers to create engaging and interactive materials that promote vocabulary building.
2. Children's Books - Disruptive innovation opportunity for children's book authors and illustrators to create visually captivating books that introduce complex vocabulary.
3. Edtech - Disruptive innovation opportunity for EdTech companies to develop interactive apps and platforms that facilitate language learning for children and their parents.