In the spirit of April Fools Day 2008, Google Australia has announced a new application that lets it's users see a full 24 hours into the future. It's called gDay and it's powered by MATE. It's called "gDay MATE" get it? Those Google pranksters are advertising their "new" search engine that is based on the probable ranking of web pages even before they are written. Google developers say "We can use this technique to predict almost anything on the web – tomorrow's share price movements, sports results or news events. Plus, using language regression analysis, Google can even predict the actual wording of blogs and newspaper columns, 24 hours before they're written!" Fantastic stuff Google, now we can bet on the outcome of sporting events even before they've happened or buy winning lottery tickets thanks to their latest technology, if only it were true!
On another April Fools Day note, Virgin Airlines ran huge advertisements in Brisbane newspapers advertising half-price "No Chair Fares" until 6:00 pm today with complimentary calf massages on flights longer than two hours. Apparently over a 1000 customers called in or went online to grab these great rates before six today. Oh that Richard Branson, he's suck a kidder!
On another April Fools Day note, Virgin Airlines ran huge advertisements in Brisbane newspapers advertising half-price "No Chair Fares" until 6:00 pm today with complimentary calf massages on flights longer than two hours. Apparently over a 1000 customers called in or went online to grab these great rates before six today. Oh that Richard Branson, he's suck a kidder!
Trend Themes
1. Predictive Modeling - Developing predictive modeling software that accurately forecasts future demand for consumer goods and services.
2. Big Data Analytics - Leveraging big data analytics to develop predictive algorithms that enable businesses to identify emerging trends in the market and capitalize on them before their competitors do.
3. Real-time Market Analysis - Developing real-time market analysis tools that use natural language processing and machine learning to accurately predict consumer behavior and market trends.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Developing advertising campaigns that leverage disruptive predictive technologies, enhancing customer segmentation, data driven insights, and predictive targeting for future products or services.
2. E-commerce - Developing e-commerce platforms that enable businesses to quickly and accurately identify emerging consumer trends and respond to them in real-time.
3. Financial Services - Developing financial services solutions that use predictive analytics to forecast market trends and make data-driven investments in real-time, improving returns on investment..