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Still Testing Video Games
Canada Eh?
Member Since
Feb 2007
Some people think I'm strange when I say: If I have to die one more time today, I'm going to lose it!

Then they find out that I'm a video game tester and it all makes sense. Seriously though, I have a great job that allows me to do the impossible on a daily basis and still get paid for it. In an average day I die hundreds and hundreds of times, I train to perform the most amazing acrobatic feats or dance moves the world has ever seen, I perform complicated magic spells with nothing more than the tips of my fingers, I take out complicated enemy headquarters or targets using weapons of mass-destruction with the precision and skill of a hired gun, I make and lose fortunes with the the blink of an eye, I drive fast cars, use bizarre weapons, and become someone else all in an effort to take a video game to it's breaking point. It's great to hear your boss tell you We won't be happy unless you break it!

In my other life, the Trendhunter side of it, I write the craziest things (all true mind you!) that always amaze me people actually read! 90% of the trends I write about are based on how much I like or love the idea or concept I've just read about. So if you were to try and define who I am, I'm a little bit of every trend I write: Crazy, Off-The-Wall, Unbelievable, Weird, Thoroughly Enjoyable and otherwise Slightly Goofy!

Regional Meanvertising
Regional Meanvertising
Molson Coors' Toronto-Trashing Billboards Flop
Molson Coors launched a summer beer campaign that centered around the theme that their beer is “Colder than…” many frosty things, including people from Toronto. The advertising blitz was launched in British… MORE
Combating Cyberbullying
Combating Cyberbullying
Liskula Cohen's Landmark Lawsuit Unmasks Vitriolic Blogger
The now defunct blog “Skanks in NYC” has been the subject of much controversy since a comment made by the blog’s owner became the subject of a legal dispute. The anonymous blog writer wrote that Canadian… MORE
Hummer-Tank Hybrids
Hummer-Tank Hybrids
Is the Mahindra Marksman a Tank or a Hummer?
These images are of the all-new Mahindra Marksman, an all-new Hummer-inspired war tank. This behemoth is made by Mahindra Motors and has tons of awesome features such as a bulletproof exterior, extremely… MORE
Call Girl Voices to Get Votes
Call Girl Voices to Get Votes
Controversial Robo-Call for California Candidate
Using Robo-Calls to drum up voter support is at an all-time high this year, with candidates across the board making record numbers of automated calls to American homes before election day. Unfortunately,… MORE
Pro-Life Pharmacies
Pro-Life Pharmacies
Drugstores Refuse to Sell Birth Control
Seven U.S. pharmacies have decided to refuse to sell birth control to their customers. Saying that "birth control compromises faith," these pharmacies have gotten around the legalities of refusing to fill… MORE
DIY Chocolate Milk
DIY Chocolate Milk
Sipahh Portable Flavoring Straws
So you're chilling with your friends and you get the sudden craving for a nice glass of chocolate milk. Sadly, your buddy is all out of chocolate milk and he thinks you're a milk-drinking weirdo. Whatever… MORE
Using Shoes to Sell Cars
Using Shoes to Sell Cars
Chevy Traverse Ad Exploits Compulsive Shoppers
Many people think that if a woman owns an SUV, it’s because she needs the room for something important--perhaps a boyfriend, a husband, children, or even the family dog. Maybe she needs lots of cargo space… MORE
Carbonated Rock Promos
Carbonated Rock Promos
Free Soda for a 2008 ‘Chinese Democracy' Release
Dr Pepper fans rejoice! The soda company made a promise earlier in the year to give a free 20-ounce bottle of soda to every American if the rock group Guns n’ Roses releases their highly-anticipated album… MORE
Real Arrests for Virtual Murders
Real Arrests for Virtual Murders
Online Realm Clashes with Physical World
Only in Japan can you hear a wacky story like this one. A 43-year-old woman from Tokyo was arrested today for murdering her online spouse in the popular virtual game world known as “Maple Story.” The… MORE
Eco-Friendly Mascara
Eco-Friendly Mascara
Green Makeup Makes Josie Maran Cry
Supermodel and actress Josie Maran believes in saving the environment in a big way. She eats organic, recycles and is always looking for ways to reduce her carbon footprint. Maran recently launched her… MORE
Spill-Reducing Stemware
Spill-Reducing Stemware
Glassware for Clumsy Guests
The inside-out stemware collections by Alissia Melka Teichroew are simply divine. The sets are perfect for entertaining your guests who may not be so graceful after drinking one too many. The not-so-fragile… MORE
Posh Princess Pictorials
Posh Princess Pictorials
Victoria Beckham for Vogue India
Because India is now the hip and happening place where so many wannabees and Hollywood stars want to be, Posh Spice has agreed to be the cover model for this month’s issue of ‘Vogue’ India. It really… MORE
$15M Animal Rehab Centers
$15M Animal Rehab Centers
Treatment Facilities for Military Working Dogs
Military working dogs who have gotten injured while on duty now have their own state-of-the-art $15 million hospital treatment center. This is good news for the canine personnel of Lackland Air Force Base,… MORE
800 lb Enema Monuments
800 lb Enema Monuments
Odd Russian Cleansing Sculpture
The Caucasus mountains region in Russia is home to dozens of health spas catering to those who seek to detoxify the mind, the body and the soul. Naturally, the Mashuk-Akva Term spa is very fond of the… MORE
Squirt Spoons
Squirt Spoons
Easily Feed Your Baby on the Go
Squirt Spoons are unique little capsules that make it easy to feed your baby on the go. Traveling with a baby can mean feeding time nightmares. You need to pack all those baby food jars, spoons, bowls,… MORE
Street Light Seating
Street Light Seating
Light Up Your Crib With Recycled Walk/Don't Walk Chair
Looking for a uniquely cool piece of recycled art for your hip and happening home? New York city contemporary artist John Carter makes the "Road Tested Chair" from old Walk / Don't Walk traffic lights.… MORE
Deformed People as a TV Show?
Deformed People as a TV Show?
Fox Promotes 'Fringe' With 12 Fingered Man
Perhaps tasteless, perhaps intriguing, the Fox Broadcasting Company is hyping a new show coming that features the oddities and rarities of humankind. The show is called FRINGE and will feature the strange,… MORE
Carboard Bicycles
Carboard Bicycles
Save The Environment And Reduce Theft
Product design student Phil Bridge has come up with a way to reduce bicycle theft and save the environment. His solution is a unique cardboard bicycle. He’s unveiled his creation in hopes that funding… MORE
Arranged Marriage Reality TV
Arranged Marriage Reality TV
HBO Now Casting Volunteers
We’ve pretty much seen everything there is to see when it comes to reality television. We’ve witnessed extreme examples of what people will do for money and what people will do for love. But what about… MORE
Online Divorce Feuds
Online Divorce Feuds
Air Your Dirty Laundry On YouTube
As if divorce wasn't nasty enough, now feuding couples are taking their dirty laundry on YouTube. This week a little-known actress by the name of Tricia Walsh Smith put up a homemade video on YouTube revealing… MORE
Virtual Mix Tapes
Virtual Mix Tapes
Mixwit is Embeddable
Remember the 80's? Ghetto-blasters and mixtapes dominated that decade and everyone was making mixtapes for their breakdancing routines, for their friends, and the most important reason: for their crushes!… MORE
Write An Essay About Pet Love And Win A Mansion In Florida
Write An Essay About Pet Love And Win A Mansion In Florida
Clementia Marie Giovanetti is a woman with a difficult task. She's been trying to sell her mansion for a cool $1.25 million bucks. But in today's depressed economic times, who has a million and a quarter… MORE
New Google Engine Predicts Future Searches
New Google Engine Predicts Future Searches
In the spirit of April Fools Day 2008, Google Australia has announced a new application that lets it's users see a full 24 hours into the future. It's called gDay and it's powered by MATE. It's called… MORE
Sex, Stealth, and Haute-Couture
Sex, Stealth, and Haute-Couture
Superhero Fashion & Fantasy Exhibit
"Superheroes: Fashion and Fantasy" is opening at New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art in May 2008. The exhibit will showcase legendary American superheroes and their influence on fashion. The Incredible… MORE
Finger Bling For Coffee Drinkers- Japanese cUp Ling
Finger Bling For Coffee Drinkers- Japanese cUp Ling
Darren Almond makes simple yet elegant coffee mugs for all you singles who like to show off their bling. It's called the cUp Ling and it's a coffee mug that comes with an attachable ring for your finger.… MORE
Hydrogen Water Sticks
Hydrogen Water Sticks
For Extra H in Your H2O
I have always assumed that water had just the right amount of hydrogen in it, but according to the Japanese that is not so. Regular water is lacking in the healthy benefits of added hydrogen that... MORE
Genetically Engineered Pets
Genetically Engineered Pets
Fluorescent GloFish
Researchers in Singapore have been experimenting with injecting fluorescence genes from jellyfish into average Zebra fish eggs and have produced fluorescent GloFish. The experiment will enable researchers… MORE
Incredible Edible Art
Incredible Edible Art
Mike's Amazing Cakes
The most beautiful and creative cakes I have ever seen have to be over at Mike's Amazing Cakes. They can make anything your imagination can dream up and they do it beautifully. These photos are just… MORE
Skin Atrocity-Inspired Gloves
Skin Atrocity-Inspired Gloves
Skinovers by Sylvia B.
Sylvia B. has combined high-fashion with what can only be described as "skin-atrocities" to make top-quality gloves to be worn by the brave. Her Skinovers gloves are made from the finest leather and her… MORE
Surgery In Space
Surgery In Space
Zero Gravity Surgery One Step Closer (Follow Up)
Space travel has to be the most exciting and brave adventure any human being can embark on. But what happens if you become injured or ill to the point of needing emergency surgery while out in space? It's… MORE
Wine Glass Light
Wine Glass Light
Oooms Design Bulb
I love the stylish and chic multi-function light bulb by Oooms design studio. Use it like a ligh tbulb in any receptacle around your home to impress your friends and family with how hip you are. Once the… MORE
Captured Corporate Mascots
Captured Corporate Mascots
Travelocity Roaming Gnome Stolen
October 16th, 2007 will go down in history as the day the Travelocity Roaming Gnome was stolen, or "gnomenapped" from Northwestern university. He was visiting the Transportation Center along with company… MORE
Toddler Head Protection
Toddler Head Protection
Thudguard Baby Helmet
Falling down is a fact of life, but according to Kelly Forsyth-Gibson, the inventor of the Thudguard helmet for toddlers, it's preventable and should be avoided. I remember when learning to walk was uncontrolled,… MORE
The Hoodie Chair
The Hoodie Chair
When Style and Fashion Meets Slacker
The Hoodie Chair is a concept chair by Broberg and Ridderstrale Design that is sure to appeal to hoodie lovers everywhere. This chair literally screams "I'm ready for the slackers of the world, bring it… MORE
Japan's Pub Paradise Restaurant Caters To The Healthy Feet of Women
Japan's Pub Paradise Restaurant Caters To The Healthy Feet of Women
The Pub Paradise restaurant is a spa dining experience for women. They have heated water with mineral salts for those at the bar seats to soak their feet in while they enjoy their meal. They also have… MORE
Naoto Fukasawa Sole Bag
Naoto Fukasawa Sole Bag
Get That New Shoe Smell in Your Purse
The Sole Bag by Naoto Fukasawa is a canvas tote bag made from the sole of a real Uwabaki sandal - a popular shoe worn by students in Japan. The bag's design lets you put the bag on any surface and not… MORE

Featured Ideas

Animal Mutation
Animal Mutation
China's Lucky Two-Faced Pig
What's in the water that we are seeing so many living examples of mutated animals? Remember to cyclopse one eyed cat? Well now there is a two headed pig. 2007 is the Chinese Year of the Pig. What does… MORE
Curly Pudding
Curly Pudding
Take The Drama Out of Curly Hair
Miss Jessie makes a rather interesting product for your hair. It's called Curly Pudding and it does something different for your curls than what you're thinking. Every Tom, Dick and Harry in the hair business… MORE
Personal Green Skyscrapers
Personal Green Skyscrapers
The 60 Story Antilia House
Mukesh Ambani is India’s richest man and in a vain attempt to prove it, he’s building himself a skyscraper mansion that he wants to call “Antilia”. Antilia is the name of a mythical island some believe… MORE
Corset Body Piercings
Corset Body Piercings
For The High Fashion Body Mutilator
Body piercing and modification has become like a sport where keeping up with the trends and shock value are a must. Here is an interesting entry in the world of piercings. It’s called corset piercing.… MORE
Selling Used Panties Online
Selling Used Panties Online
Sicko Fetish Becomes Big Business
Are you looking to make some extra money? How about earning profits from used products whose re-sell value is more than the original purchase price? Well look no further than The Used Panty Portal for… MORE
Wearable Bath Mats
Wearable Bath Mats
The Matwalk Lets You Dry Shuffle To The Washroom Sink
The Matwalk, by Paolo Ulian, is a bathmat designed to enable you to scoot across your washroom without getting the floor wet. The two front “foot pockets” allow you to slide your feet into them and go.… MORE
New Upscale Fetish / Art Magazine
Senze Fetish Magazine is an edgy, raw, over-the-top fetish mag. It's only available online and the best part is that it's free. There just aren't enough free fetishes out there I always say. They've got… MORE
Symptoms Toys
Symptoms Toys
Cure What Ails You With a Cool Toy
Suffering from dry skin? Hot flashes? Shortness of Breath? Then poke some fun at what ails you by checking out these vinyl "Symptoms" characters by FlapJack Toys. Scary-cool toys, that even come in their… MORE
Cricket Fever Hits India as World Cup Officially Begins
Cricket Fever Hits India as World Cup Officially Begins
The West Indies are home to the 2007 Cricket World Cup Cricket Championships and with the opening ceremonies out of the way, India is locked in the grip of World Cup fever. The series will stretch on until… MORE
Schizophrenia Simulations
Schizophrenia Simulations
Officers Trained With Virtual Hallucinations
In order to give police better insight into the world of insanity and schizophrenia, some officers have been given training with a goggles immersion device called "Virtual Hallucinations" that simulates… MORE
Pakistan Posts Lost & Found Advertisements For Missing Radioactive Isotopes
Pakistan Posts Lost & Found Advertisements For Missing Radioactive Isotopes
Pakistan has published advertising asking individuals who may come across "lost or missing radioactive isotopes" to report as quickly as possible. Arms control experts in the Western world are very nervous… MORE
Excess for Charity
Excess for Charity
Million Dollar Ice Cream Cone to be Auctioned for Charity
The number of diamond encrusted products has been overwhelming lately, but in this case, the object is being auctioned for charity, which is pretty cool. Bruster's Ice Cream has commissioned Lazare Kaplan… MORE
Digitally Design Your Own Table
Digitally Design Your Own Table
Vu Unlimited Design
The world of custom-designed furniture is expanding by leaps and bounds thanks to digital photography. Amateur and professional photographers alike can have their favorite shots digitally added to their… MORE
Nerd Energy Drink Increases Memory and Fuels Brain Power
Nerd Energy Drink Increases Memory and Fuels Brain Power
The good folks over at Nerd Energy have found their niche market when it comes to sports and energy drinks. The brains behind the drink are Vinicio Montes, Marlon Lozada, and Anthony Dow Jr. and their… MORE