Sugih Sutjiono — December 13, 2006 — Tech
Beautify your gadgets permanently! Last week we saw a small company in the UK that offered mobile phone tattoos. Adafruit Laser Services, a new, by-appointment-only business in Manhattan, etches custom artwork onto laptops, iPods, cell phones and other gadgets. The service ranges from $30 for smaller devices and up to $100 for laptops. "It feels like a tattoo, and now I feel like I need to get more," Digg founder Kevin Rose sounds like a satisfied customer. so if you live in manhattan, forget those temporary stickers, get your gadgets tatooed!
Trend Themes
1. Personalized Gadget Artwork - There is an opportunity to provide a customizable and innovative artwork service for personal gadgets, opening doors for artists and designers to feature their works in a new way.
2. Gadget Skin Minimalism - Offering minimalist, high-quality gadget skins that appeals to aesthetic-conscious customers that don’t want full designs or bulky cases could potentially disrupt the skin and case industries.
3. Gadget Tattoo Growth - As more people see the potential for individualizing their devices, these personalized gadget tattoos could become a popular trend, and further disrupt the personalization industry as a whole.
Industry Implications
1. Personalized Skin Designers - Designers, artists, and creatives have the opportunity to design and personalize individualized skin stickers or figure out innovative ways to apply designs to personal gadgets.
2. Mobile Device Skin and Cases - The ubiquitous mobile devices market are opportunities to provide minimalist, high-quality gadget skins for customers looking for protection without added bulk and designs.
3. Personalized Gadget Tattoo Services - Companies offering personalized gadget tattoos, who are perceived as innovative trendsetters in the gadget personalization industry.