Greg Ponesse — December 4, 2005 — Science
References: msnbc.msn
In a controvercial new surgery, a woman in France has received a face transplant!
Now burn victims can consider another option: a face transplant. Last week French doctors performed the first partial procedure when they gave a brain-dead patient's mouth, nose and chin to a 38-year-old woman mauled by a dog. In the United States, doctors at the Cleveland Clinic, whose institutional review board last year approved the experimental treatment, are interviewing potential patients who would receive entire faces from donors. "At this stage, we are planning face transplants only for severely disfigured patients who have exhausted all conventional options," says Maria Siemionow, director of plastic-surgery research at the Cleveland Clinic. - Newsweek
Trend Themes
1. Face Transplant Surgery - This controversial transplant surgery presents an innovative solution for severely disfigured burn victims.
2. Experimental Medical Treatments - The approval of this experimental surgery suggests the potential for other cutting-edge medical treatments for disfigurement and trauma.
3. Regenerative Medicine - This surgical procedure represents a promising development in the field of regenerative medicine, which seeks to repair or replace damaged tissues and organs.
Industry Implications
1. Healthcare - This breakthrough surgery presents opportunities for innovation in healthcare, including advanced treatments for severe disfigurement and trauma.
2. Cosmetics - The face transplant surgery may also have implications for the cosmetics industry, specifically in the development of new products for individuals with facial deformities.
3. Organ Transplantation - The success of the first partial face transplant presents opportunities for innovation in the field of organ transplantation, specifically in the transplantation of facial features and tissues.