FlowInForm Project Strives for a New Land-to-Water Built Typology
Amelia Roblin — February 25, 2014 — Art & Design
References: grasshopper3d & suckerpunchdaily
While architecture may be generally understood as comprising occupiable structures that have been manmade on solid ground, the FlowInForm project works to develop a new building and aesthetic typology that would serve to negotiate the cusp of land and water. Studying the behaviour of different liquid substances when they're exposed to one another, the team of Secil Zontur, Fei Wang, Lisa Kinnerud and Abel Cao have created a possible built form that's impressively fluid.
With the help of computer modelling software, the designers collaborated on several spellbinding ideas that comprise complex curves, swirls and formal transitions that have not been possible to realize with contemporary construction materials. Seemingly mixing with site, FlowInForm moves organically from soil to sea, embodying spaces that are just as free-flowing as the exterior.
With the help of computer modelling software, the designers collaborated on several spellbinding ideas that comprise complex curves, swirls and formal transitions that have not been possible to realize with contemporary construction materials. Seemingly mixing with site, FlowInForm moves organically from soil to sea, embodying spaces that are just as free-flowing as the exterior.
Trend Themes
1. Liquified Architecture - Explore the emerging trend of liquified architecture, which blurs the boundaries between land and water.
2. Fluid Design - Discover the innovative use of complex curves and swirls in creating fluid designs that challenge conventional construction methods.
3. Computer Modelling - Embrace the transformative power of computer modelling in pushing the boundaries of architectural possibilities.
Industry Implications
1. Architecture and Design - Architects and designers can incorporate liquified architecture techniques to create unique and immersive spaces.
2. Construction Materials - The development of liquified architecture opens up opportunities for the construction materials industry to explore new materials and techniques.
3. Technology and Software - The use of computer modelling software drives innovation and experimentation in the field of architecture and design.