The Faber Castell Plastiline Campaign Promotes 'Powered Fingers'
Meghan Young — October 11, 2012 — Marketing
References: inbrax.cl & ibelieveinadv
The Faber Castell Plastiline campaign is a far cry from their previous print ads. Although just as creative, this one is much more youthful then, say, the spiral portraits by Chan Hwee or the brand's last eco campaign. Not only does it center around superheroes such as Batman, Wonder Woman and Iron Man, each figure is given a child-like quality thanks to being formed by 'powered fingers.'
Conceived and executed by Inbrax, an ad agency based in Santiago, Chile, the Faber Castell Plastiline campaign was art directed by Daslav Maslov and Cristián Toffolo with creative direction by Pancho González. Absolutely adorable, the images will appeal to both kids and adults, especially when taking into the consideration all of the superhero films coming out.
Conceived and executed by Inbrax, an ad agency based in Santiago, Chile, the Faber Castell Plastiline campaign was art directed by Daslav Maslov and Cristián Toffolo with creative direction by Pancho González. Absolutely adorable, the images will appeal to both kids and adults, especially when taking into the consideration all of the superhero films coming out.
Trend Themes
1. Superhero Modelling Clay Ads - The promotion of 'Powered Fingers' for Faber Castell Plastiline introduces a new trend in targeting both kids and adults.
2. Child-like Superhero Figures - Creating superhero figurines with child-like attributes is a unique approach for kids' toys and merchandise.
3. Youthful Print Campaigns - Youthful and creative print campaigns such as the Faber Castell Plastiline campaign attract families with kids.
Industry Implications
1. Art Supplies - The trend of creating kid-friendly art supplies that target a wider range of audiences presents an opportunity for disruption in the art supplies industry.
2. Toys & Merchandise - Incorporating child-like and superhero attributes may revolutionize the design and production of toys and merchandise in the industry.
3. Advertising & Marketing - The creation of youthful and creative print campaigns that target families with kids has the potential to disrupt the advertising and marketing industry.