YouTube 'Comment Fight!' Clip Chastises Frivolous Word Fights
Edgar Griggs — January 28, 2009 — Pop Culture
References: youtube
Let’s Get Ready To Rumble! This video showcases the madness that is YouTube commenting. It is amazing how people can get into a heated “discussion” over what a gopher coming out of hole symbolizes. For one, it’s just that there will be six more months of winter. To another, it means the deprived common people must cower at the bureaucracy that is government (HUH?!)
Either way, this is a great video to watch whenever you are tempted to blow a comment or post out of proportion. Before you take it out on your keyboard, just step away from the laptop, take five deep breaths, and ask yourself: Do you really want to get in a war of words with someone you’ve never met over whether or not Britney’s boobs are real or fake? (They do seem to get bigger with each video. I’m just saying.)
Either way, this is a great video to watch whenever you are tempted to blow a comment or post out of proportion. Before you take it out on your keyboard, just step away from the laptop, take five deep breaths, and ask yourself: Do you really want to get in a war of words with someone you’ve never met over whether or not Britney’s boobs are real or fake? (They do seem to get bigger with each video. I’m just saying.)
Trend Themes
1. Rise of Online Commenting Culture - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a platform or tool that encourages respectful and constructive online discussions, minimizing the potential for heated arguments.
2. Managing Online Conflict - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create an AI-powered moderation system that can detect and defuse potential conflicts in real-time, fostering a more positive and engaging online environment.
3. Humor and Satire in Social Media - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build a content creation platform focused on satire and humor, catering to the growing demand for entertaining and light-hearted social media content.
Industry Implications
1. Social Media Platforms - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Develop a new social media platform that prioritizes constructive discussions and discourages online conflicts.
2. Artificial Intelligence Solutions - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Build advanced AI algorithms and machine learning models that can effectively monitor and manage online conflicts across various platforms and communities.
3. Content Creation and Curation - Disruptive innovation opportunity: Create a content curation platform that specializes in curating and promoting humorous and satirical content from various social media platforms.