6 Shocking Designs for St Pancras International
Next summer, visitors at St. Pancras International will be greeted to the UK with a piece of artwork that sums up modern Britain. First impressions certainly count, and it would be fair to say that the images in this gallery do not represent the Britain residents would love visitors to see.
The artwork includes a copulating couple, vagabond carrying a bottle, a tube train being driven by a skeleton, and a hoodie giving the finger.
All hope is not over as these are concept designs for the bronze frieze around the meeting place. The first designs in clay were unveiled yesterday by sculptor Paul Day. He got £500,000 for his work.
A spokesman for the company said the image of a man giving the finger was an early concept and would not be in the final work.
The artwork includes a copulating couple, vagabond carrying a bottle, a tube train being driven by a skeleton, and a hoodie giving the finger.
All hope is not over as these are concept designs for the bronze frieze around the meeting place. The first designs in clay were unveiled yesterday by sculptor Paul Day. He got £500,000 for his work.
A spokesman for the company said the image of a man giving the finger was an early concept and would not be in the final work.
Trend Themes
1. Controversial Artwork - Controversial public artwork is becoming more accepted and can serve as a marketing tool for tourism
2. Modern British Culture - Art is being used as a way to depict modern British culture and showcase its diversity
3. Interactive Public Art - Interactive and thought-provoking public artwork is becoming increasingly popular and can create a more engaging experience for visitors
Industry Implications
1. Tourism - Controversial public artwork can attract tourists and generate revenue for the tourism industry
2. Art - Creating interactive and thought-provoking public artwork can provide opportunities for artists to showcase their work and be recognized for their talent
3. Marketing & Advertising - Controversial public artwork can be used as a viral marketing tool and create buzz for a brand or location