Climate-Friendly Food Labels

Hellofresh Launched a New Labeling Initiative Named 'Climate Hero'

HelloFresh, the Berlin-based food kit supplier, has launched a new climate-friendly labeling initiative under the name 'Climate Hero.'

'Climate Hero' is a system where a unique tag will be placed on the five recipes with the lowest C02 emissions each week. HelloFresh is committed to making its packages environmentally sustainable, and that is exactly what 'Climate Hero' is meant to accomplish.

The recipes with the 'Climate Hero' tag contain at least 50% less C02 emissions than the regular meal kits, making them an excellent choice for consumers seeking a more environmentally sustainable option. The C02 emissions are calculated not only by the impact of the food production itself, but also the transportation and packaging of the food.

From production to consumption, 'Climate Hero' recipes are environmentally conscious and sustainable.

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