Cinema Sins Explores Every Plot Hole in Looper in Just Three Minutes
Andrew Sztein — February 2, 2013 — Pop Culture
Even movies like Looper that make barrels of cash and are critically acclaimed aren't immune from plot holes and nitpicks, and the folks at Cinema Sins are here to point every last one of them out to you in the same time it takes to watch the trailer.
Since the Cinema Sins people are exploring plot holes in a twisty time-travel narrative like Looper, it goes without saying that the video has some huge spoilers for those who haven't seen the movie yet.
Cinema Sins has set its sights on other recent blockbusters since joining YouTube at the end of 2012, including The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Avatar and Prometheus. They also took eight minutes to recently skewer 'The Room,' a film generally regarded as one of the worst of all time. I suppose Looper should consider itself lucky that it only warranted three minutes worth of plot hole nitpicking.
Since the Cinema Sins people are exploring plot holes in a twisty time-travel narrative like Looper, it goes without saying that the video has some huge spoilers for those who haven't seen the movie yet.
Cinema Sins has set its sights on other recent blockbusters since joining YouTube at the end of 2012, including The Dark Knight Rises, The Avengers, Avatar and Prometheus. They also took eight minutes to recently skewer 'The Room,' a film generally regarded as one of the worst of all time. I suppose Looper should consider itself lucky that it only warranted three minutes worth of plot hole nitpicking.
Trend Themes
1. Plot Hole Nitpicking - The trend of pointing out and criticizing plot holes in movies, as demonstrated by Cinema Sins' Looper video, presents opportunity for disruptive innovation in movie production and post-production.
2. Quick Video Summaries - The trend of creating fast-paced, condensed videos that summarize movies like Cinema Sins' Looper video, presents opportunity for disruptive innovation in movie marketing and promotion.
3. Spoilers Warning Culture - The trend of warning viewers about spoilers, as Cinema Sins did for Looper in their video, presents opportunity for disruptive innovation in video streaming and user customization.
Industry Implications
1. Movie Production - The trend of plot hole nitpicking calls for disruptive innovation in movie production and post-production technologies that identify and address plot holes before movies are released to the public.
2. Movie Marketing - The trend of quick video summaries presents disruptive innovation opportunities in movie marketing and promotion techniques that cater to the fast-paced attention spans of modern audiences.
3. Video Streaming - The trend of warning viewers about spoilers presents disruptive innovation opportunities for personalized video streaming platforms that allow viewers to customize their video watching experience and avoid getting spoiled.