Tina Beznec Presents a Bum Tattoo Auction
Harris Jay Rosenberg Alterman — January 23, 2012 — Lifestyle
References: trademe.co.nz & odditycentral
When times are tough and money is tight, one way to solve your monetary woes is a bum tattoo auction. New Zealand resident Tina Beznec is selling her cheeks to the highest bidder, and the winner gets to put whatever they choose tattooed on her behind.
The highest bid was most recently recorded at $12,400, which is enough money to bring someone strapped for cash out of debt. Tina says that she will donate 20% of the winning bid to the charity of the winner's choice and keep the rest for herself because she "deserves it," according to her add from trademe.co. What's even better is that Tina will send the winner a framed photograph of her bum tattoo so they can place it on top of their fireplace mantle.
People will do anything for money these days; but starting a bum tattoo auction might actually be the most brilliant idea yet.
The highest bid was most recently recorded at $12,400, which is enough money to bring someone strapped for cash out of debt. Tina says that she will donate 20% of the winning bid to the charity of the winner's choice and keep the rest for herself because she "deserves it," according to her add from trademe.co. What's even better is that Tina will send the winner a framed photograph of her bum tattoo so they can place it on top of their fireplace mantle.
People will do anything for money these days; but starting a bum tattoo auction might actually be the most brilliant idea yet.
Trend Themes
1. Monetizing Personal Assets - The rise of bum tattoo auctions demonstrates a trend of individuals monetizing their personal assets for financial gain.
2. Unique Fundraising Tactics - Bum tattoo auctions highlight the emergence of unique and attention-grabbing fundraising strategies for individuals in need of financial support.
3. Personal Branding and Self-expression - Bum tattoo auctions reflect a trend in personal branding and self-expression, as individuals use their bodies as a canvas to promote messages or attract attention.
Industry Implications
1. Charity and Fundraising - The bum tattoo auction trend presents an opportunity for innovative charity and fundraising organizations to explore unconventional methods of generating donations.
2. Tattoo and Body Modification - The emergence of bum tattoo auctions creates a disruptive opportunity within the tattoo and body modification industry, as it challenges traditional tattoo practices and opens up new avenues for artists and clients.
3. Online Auction and E-commerce Platforms - The popularity of bum tattoo auctions suggests the potential for online auction and e-commerce platforms to support and facilitate unique and unconventional bidding experiences for buyers and sellers.