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 Keynote Speaker

Harris Jay Rosenberg Alterman

Born in Denver, Colorado..........Live in Waterloo
Member Since
Nov 2011
Hi my name is Harris. I'm from Denver, Colorado.
How do you define cool?
Cool: People look at it and want it for themselves and want to show their friends.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
I can't give away my secrets....
What do you enjoy most about Trend Hunter?
I always find stuff that makes me yell "WOW THATS SO COOL!" when I'm alone.
What is your favorite trend?
The filter for cereal. All my life I have been picking the marshmallows out of my Lucky Charms. No more! From now on i can easily filter out the marshmallows and chow down. Greatest invention since sliced bread.
What are your tips for writing a juicy post?
Use a thesaurus as your personal bible.
How do you reset to be creative?
I put on my wizard hat and freestyle rap for 15 minutes. Always does the trick.
What inspires or excites you?
When I read or hear about the background stories of famous people, it inspires me and reminds me that talented people come from EVERYWHERE.
Predict something awesome for 2020?
Public transportation that involves single person pods. A person enters the pod, enters their destination, and the pod swiftly takes them there.
Freestyle Rapping Websites
Freestyle Rapping Websites
Learn to be Lyrical and Poetic with RapPad
RapPad is a website for freestyle rappers. It’s also a place where anyone can become a freestyle rapper. Even if you have never laid down lyrics on a beat, RapPap will make you into a freestyle... MORE
Social Media Drinking Games
Social Media Drinking Games
Sh*tFacedbook Brings Networking Straight to Your Liver
If you’re looking for a drinking game that combines embarrassment, shame, laughter, tears and an entire bottle of schnapps, then Sh*tFacedbook is the game for you. Created by Harris Alterman... MORE
Substantial School Loan Charts
Substantial School Loan Charts
'Is Student Debt Our Next Bubble?' Will Open Your Eyes
After the housing crisis in 2008, you have to ask yourselves ‘Is Student Debt Our Next Bubble?’ Student debt used to be considered “good debt” because it was for a good cause,... MORE
Over-Grubbing Graphs
Over-Grubbing Graphs
'Snacks in America' Apparently Need to be Controlled
The ‘Snacks in America’ infographic by Dandy shows that, as the typical lifestyle changes, so do eating habits. In today’s society, people are busier than ever before. This means... MORE
Phone Entertainment App Charts
Phone Entertainment App Charts
The Mobile Gaming Infographic Proves There is Money to be Made
The Mobile Gaming Infographic shows that as technology grows and as one can do just about anything on their phone, most people spend their time playing games. Even though a smartphone has access to... MORE
Bizarre Body-Shaped Axes
Bizarre Body-Shaped Axes
The ‘Female Form 6 String Acoustic Guitar' is Curvy
The ‘Female Form 6 String Acoustic Guitar,’ made by Celentano Woodworks, is a thing of beauty. Custom guitars are one thing, but this design is detailed perfectly. The front of the guitar... MORE
All-Terrain Ambulances
All-Terrain Ambulances
The 'RT112' by Tomasz Siemek is the Ultimate Rescue Vehicle
The ‘RT112’ by Tomasz Siemek is an off-road ambulance meant for emergency rescues. Inspired by classic off-road vehicles and helicopters, this machine is ready to save lives quickly and... MORE
Wireless Bicycle Speakers
Wireless Bicycle Speakers
SleekSpeak Lets You Listen Without Earbuds as You Ride
‘SleekSpeak’ was designed by David Meisenholder as an alternative to earbuds when biking. Listening to music while biking can be enjoyable but having earbuds in doesn’t work... MORE
Marijuana Vending Machines
Marijuana Vending Machines
The ‘Autospense' Dispenses Cannabis for Medicinal Purposes
The ‘Autospense’ by ‘DispenseLabs’ is a vending machine that is stocked full of medical marijuana. These machines will not be going up in convenience stores anytime soon, but they are a... MORE
Consumer Satisfied Statistics
Consumer Satisfied Statistics
The ‘Strange Signs Economy is Improving' Infographic
There are ‘Strange Signs the Economy is Improving.’ According to this infographic, we may finally be getting over the recession hump and moving on to a more prosperous period. One good sign is... MORE
Minimalist Murder Masks
Minimalist Murder Masks
These Designs by Peter Phillips May Give You Nightmares
These Leather Masks by Peter Phillips were made for an editorial in Exhibition Magazine’s Leather Issue. Credit for the photography goes to Richard Burbridge, who has had quite a few photoshoots... MORE
Fairy Godmother Cleaners
Fairy Godmother Cleaners
The ‘Dish Wish Scrub Brush' Can Make Dream Come True
The ‘Dish Wish Scrub Brush’ by ‘Perpetual Kid’ won’t grant you three wishes, but it will make your plates and forks sparkle. This scrubber is shaped like the wand of a fairy godmother, but... MORE
Gilded Candy Treats
Gilded Candy Treats
The Edible Gold Lollipop is Like Eating Delicious Money
The ‘Edible Gold Lollipop’ by Harvey Nichols is exactly what it sounds like. This treat comes on a stick and is champagne flavored. If that wasn’t enough, it has gold flakes in it, so one can... MORE
Crumbling Corporation Charts
Crumbling Corporation Charts
'The Death of RIM' Inforgraphic Represents the Company's Downfall
As the days turns to weeks and the weeks turn to months, it won’t be long before ‘The Death of RIM’ is upon us. This major power house company in the smartphone market has failed... MORE
Informational Sci-fi Infographics
Informational Sci-fi Infographics
'Star Wars by the Numbers' Helps One Get By in the Galaxy
The ‘Star Wars by the Numbers’ Infographics by ‘OSKOUI+OSKOUI’ are enlightening and humorous for sci fi fanatics. Star Wars has had more influence over pop culture than any... MORE
Scenic Seethrough Women
Scenic Seethrough Women
Jon Duenas Uses Double Exposure to Create His Work
Portland-based photographer Jon Duenas has created a series of photographs that blend women with nature. Using double-exposure, Duenas combines two photographs, but makes it seem like it could... MORE
Selling Online Opportunity Charts
Selling Online Opportunity Charts
The Small Business and E-Commerce Infographic is Correct
The Small Business and E-Commerce Infographic shows that opportunity is calling for those who are listening. Almost 10% of discretionary spending in the United States is spent online and 8.6% of all... MORE
Toonified MP3 Posters
Toonified MP3 Posters
The 'iSimpsons' Love Their Beats
DeviantARTist Mickey-LBG has created a series of posters that mimic the classic Apple silhouette advertisements. There is an old saying that if you can think of something, its been Simpsonized. To... MORE
Eco-Minded Cord Collectors
Eco-Minded Cord Collectors
The 'Plug Out Outlet Organizer' is a Simple Energy-Saving Device
The ‘Plug Out Outlet Organizer’ is a small cord-organizer that one can attach to any socket. This allows one to not have to worry about tangled cords and it saves energy. Even devices... MORE
Prom Price Infographics
Prom Price Infographics
Tuition Rates Rise and Still 'Americans are Overspending on Proms'
The ‘Americans are Overspending on Proms’ Infographic shows just how big the prom industry has become. In the past decade or so, prom has gone from a special event where people dress up... MORE
Online-Inspired Gowns
Online-Inspired Gowns
These Internet Dresses by Neko-Vi are Elegant
The Internet Dresses by Neko-Vi are what Cinderella would wear to a social media ball. All of these elegant gowns are based off a major website and that website’s color scheme. To make these... MORE
Healthy Pill Popping Charts
Healthy Pill Popping Charts
The 'Vita-Mania' Infographic Shows Supplements Go Too Far
The ‘Vita-Mania’ infographic reveals that the health pill movement is only continuing to grow. This would be a good thing except for the fact that taking too many vitamin pills can in... MORE
Auto Pinball Promotions
Auto Pinball Promotions
'The Parisian Pinball Park' Does Not Award Excellence
To promote its self-parking car, Ford set up a marketing stunt called ‘The Parisian Pinball Park’ in Paris. Known for its fast-paced drivers and difficulty of finding a parking space,... MORE
Robotic Graffiti Autos
Robotic Graffiti Autos
The 'Chevy Street Artist Car' Creates Beautiful Murals
Street artist Jeff Soto teamed up with Chevrolet to bring about the ‘Chevy Street Artist Car.’ This is the world’s first car that can actually spray paint murals. When Soto first... MORE
Studio Bedroom Signs
Studio Bedroom Signs
The 'Applause Light Box' Makes Your Room Like SNL
The ‘Applause Light Box’ by ‘PBteen’ is just like the one you might see while sitting in a studio audience. This version has been shrunken down to a size where it can be... MORE
Anti-Wrinkle Headbands
Anti-Wrinkle Headbands
The Oyasumi Goodnight Brow Stretcher Stops Lines from Appearing
The Oyasumi Goodnight Brow Stretcher by Japan Trend Shop is a headband that fights wrinkles. This device is designed to be worn at night, so all the wrinkle-fighting is done while one dreams. The... MORE
Interactive Infographic Maps
Interactive Infographic Maps
'Magnifying the Universe' Lets You See Everything That Exists
The ‘Magnifying the Universe’ Infographic is an interactive tool that lets one zoom in on an atom and then zoom out to view the entire universe. Going through the whole thing is... MORE
Futuristic Electric Motorcycles
Futuristic Electric Motorcycles
The 'frog eBike 2012' is Straight Out of TRON
The ‘frog eBike 2012’ by Jin Seok Hwang is a concept for a motorcycle that is completely electric and far too futuristic for today’s streets. Where a normal motorcycle would have... MORE
Historical Sports Advertising Charts
Historical Sports Advertising Charts
'The Olympics and Social Media' Infographic Offers Cool Facts
‘The Olympics and Social Media’ Infographic shows the history of the games and what mediums were used to promote it. In a new digital age, The Olympics are becoming more and more tied in... MORE
Wall-Writing Remotes
Wall-Writing Remotes
The 'Penveu' Makes Learning More Interactive
The ‘Penveu’ was invented as a device to make teachers and business people interact better with audiences be more engaging. It’s small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand,... MORE
Geeky Gaming Pumps
Geeky Gaming Pumps
The 'Super Mario Wedge Heels' Will Stomp Out Goombas
The ‘Super Mario Wedge Heels’ by Kristina Leigh Howard are a geeky girl’s dream. These pumps have been custom-painted to look like the landscapes of old school Super Mario levels.... MORE
Blinking Controlled Lamps
Blinking Controlled Lamps
The Energy Saving Light Shuts off When One Closes Their Eyes
The ‘Energy Saving Light’ by Randy Sarafan is an eco-focused device that turns off a lamp when a person closes their eyes to blink. Sarafan invented this device in honor of Earth Day and... MORE
Swirling Spiral Overpasses
Swirling Spiral Overpasses
The 'Amsterdam bridge V' Produces Its Own Energy
The ‘Amsterdam bridge V’ by Yaohua Wang Architecture has a twisting steel design which makes it look like it was made for a video game. In fact, this bridge is made for real life and has... MORE
Toy Building Block Plants
Toy Building Block Plants
The LEGO Forest Brightens Rainy Days
On a rainy April day at Martin Place in Sydney, Australia, pedestrians were pleasantly surprised when they walked through a life-size LEGO forest. This year marks the 50th year LEGO has been in... MORE
Injectable Lemon Misters
Injectable Lemon Misters
The 'Citrus Spritzer' by 'quirky' Says Goodbye to Squeezing
The ‘Citrus Spritzer’ by ‘quirky’ is a small kitchen appliance that allows one to spray fresh lemon juice straight from the source on their food. Having to deal with lemons... MORE
Ebonics Timeline Graphs
Ebonics Timeline Graphs
'20 Years of Slang' Has Left Pop Culture with Some Gems
After ‘20 Years of Slang,’ what is considered the “cool talk” continues to evolve faster and faster. How phrases and sayings like “The Bomb” and “Beast”... MORE

Featured Ideas

Face-Protruding Phone Cases
Face-Protruding Phone Cases
Omniscient Siri is Based Off Apple's Technical Help Character
Omniscient Siri is a three-dimensional phone case that was inspired by Apple's digital help assistant. Siri helps phone users like a personal assistant keeping track of alarms, weather and any other thing… MORE
Graffitied Denim
Graffitied Denim
Attitude Magazine January 2012 Presents 'Ten Jackets by Ten Artists'
James Dean would drop his jaw if he saw these graffitied jean jackets by Attitude Magazine, created for a feature aptly titled 'Ten Jackets by Ten Artists.' Each jacket features art from a different… MORE
Hand-Told Stories
Hand-Told Stories
Fine by Virgilio Villoresi Tells the Tale of a Solider
Fine by Virgilio Villoresi tells the story of a solider, starting at birth and ending with death. All the characters in the story are painted onto Villoresi's hands with little googly eyes on his fingers.… MORE
Ad Executive Accessories
Ad Executive Accessories
The Draper Series by Saucier Jewelry is Suited for a Gentleman
The Draper Series by Saucier Jewelry is a collection of mancessories based on the popular TV show ‘Mad Men.’ The jewelry line features the falling silhouette of advertising smooth talker Don... MORE
Neon-Dipped Kicks
Neon-Dipped Kicks
The Air Jordan Son of Mars ‘Pop Art' Shoes are a Throwback to the '5
The Air Jordan Son of Mars ‘Pop Art’ sneakers jump out at viewers with color and attitude. With bright colors and a sleek design, these sneakers are one of the most creative installments in the Air Jordan… MORE
Sci-Fi Coloring Tools
Sci-Fi Coloring Tools
The Star Wars Crayons are a Must-Have for a Memorable Childhood
Etsy shop owner 'extramoneyformommy' is now offering a collection of Star Wars Crayons that feature the iconic characters of the series, each with their own rainbow drawing set. Featuring a variety of… MORE
Neon Puking Party Animals
Neon Puking Party Animals
David A. Smith Creates Creatures With Some Bright-Colored Upchuck
Artist David A. Smith has created a series of animal sculptures that appear to be throwing up neon thread. His series includes deer, dogs and even dinosaurs. These animals must have been up all night… MORE
Selling Online Opportunity Charts
Selling Online Opportunity Charts
The Small Business and E-Commerce Infographic is Correct
The Small Business and E-Commerce Infographic shows that opportunity is calling for those who are listening. Almost 10% of discretionary spending in the United States is spent online and 8.6% of all... MORE
Separating Siamese Earpieces
Separating Siamese Earpieces
The Twin Headphones by Roel Deden Let You Listen With Your Friends
The Twin Headphones by Roel Deden are the ultimate device for sharing music. These headphones look like a normal pair of earpieces but actually split into two separate sets of listening devices. While… MORE
Adult Actress Prom Proposals
Adult Actress Prom Proposals
Mad Mike Stone Asks Out Erotic Celebrities via Twitter
Mad Mike Stone has become an overnight sensation with his recent social media stunt when he asked hundreds of female adult entertainers to go with him to prom. Stone went onto his Twitter account... MORE
Tough Tablet Covers
Tough Tablet Covers
The 'Extreme Edge' iPad Case by G-Form Goes for a Skydive
If you're a slightly clumsy individual who is sick and tired of dropping your iPad, the 'Extreme Edge' iPad case by G-Form is the perfect solution. In this video, the extremely durable case is put on… MORE
Dudeified Film Subtitles
Dudeified Film Subtitles
Classic Movies Subtitled for Bros Contains So Much Truth
Classic Movies Subtitled for Bros help the demographic known as "dudes" understand iconic films. Bros have developed their own language, known as brotalk, and these subtitles allow bros to read along and… MORE
Fairy Tale Murder Commercials
Fairy Tale Murder Commercials
The Three Little Pigs Advert by The Guardian Tells a Dark Story
The Three Little Pigs Advert by The Guardian is a mockumentary-style video that tells the dark tale of the wolf’s murder. The advertisement was made to promote The Guardian’s open journalism program, which… MORE
Affectionate Couple Captures (UPDATE)
Affectionate Couple Captures (UPDATE)
'True Love In Pictures' is Romantic and Endearing
With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, Tiffany & CO and The Sartorialist have joined forces to create a heartwarming album featuring couples in love called True Love In Pictures. To make the pictures… MORE