Brainstorm Deck is a More Efficient Way to Generate Ideas in Groups
References: kickstarter & fastcodesign
The 'Brainstorm Deck' is a novel method for generating ideas that take a 'Cards Against Humanity' approach to the traditional brainstorming system.
The problem with brainstorming is that its principle of being an open space for ideas is typically subverted by the fact that the loudest and most confident pitcher usually wins (as opposed to the best idea). The Brainstorm Deck makes pitching ideas anonymous, giving consumers a better chance at arriving at the best idea, rather than the most boisterous one.
The game involves a series of blank cards that get dealt out to each of the ideating players. Players use an erasable marker to jot down a description of their idea and a drawing (if applicable.) Then these cards get judged by the group, Cards Against Humanity-style, with a final vote at the end to decide the winning idea.
The problem with brainstorming is that its principle of being an open space for ideas is typically subverted by the fact that the loudest and most confident pitcher usually wins (as opposed to the best idea). The Brainstorm Deck makes pitching ideas anonymous, giving consumers a better chance at arriving at the best idea, rather than the most boisterous one.
The game involves a series of blank cards that get dealt out to each of the ideating players. Players use an erasable marker to jot down a description of their idea and a drawing (if applicable.) Then these cards get judged by the group, Cards Against Humanity-style, with a final vote at the end to decide the winning idea.
Trend Themes
1. Anonymized Brainstorming - Developing techniques that make brainstorming anonymous can open up ideas to everyone on a team, not just the most confident speakers.
2. Gamification of Idea Generation - Turning an idea-generation session into a card game can introduce an element of casual play that helps unlock everyone's creativity.
3. Crowdsourced Idea Evaluation - Allowing a group to judge the merits of ideas anonymously can help pick out the best idea, rather than the most popular one.
Industry Implications
1. Advertising - Anonymized brainstorming could be used as a tool to improve ad campaigns and encourage collaboration among employees.
2. Tech - Gamified brainstorming could be used as a tool to unlock new product ideas or improve design thinking in tech companies.
3. Education - Crowdsourced idea evaluation can be used as a teaching tool to promote critical thinking and help students build confidence in their own ideas.