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50 Gifts for Artists

From Anti-Gravity Paint Holders to Self-Sharpening Pencils

— December 23, 2016 — Art & Design
Artists are notoriously moody, so buying gifts for artists might seem like a daunting task. The holiday season is all about good cheer, however, so even the artists among friends and family will have no choice but to appreciate the art-themed gifts that they receive.

Art comes in many different media. For some, painting is the most beautiful form, and painters know that the finding the right color is absolutely essential. A subscription to the 'Pantone Studio' app is perfect for painters who have an obsession with color, as it allows them to pick and analyze colors from anywhere around them.

Some prefer an even purer medium than painting: the colorless world of sketching. For sketch artists who want to draw in style, the 'Fashionary Mini' is an attractive sketchbook that is small enough to be brought anywhere.
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