Blu Kicks Helps to Preserve the Habitat of Hawaii's Native Fish
Sarah Moore — August 1, 2012 — Social Good
Inspired by the Humuhumunukunukuapua fish that resides in Hawaii, Blu Kicks was formed to represent the native animal and the easy, relaxed lifestyle of the region.
Based out of San Francisco, California, the company sells slip-on, canvas shoes that are reminiscent both of the Humu fish and other endangered marine animals. When the founders of the company learned that the Humu fish was in danger due to overfishing, they decided to donate funds to protect them from extinction.
For every pair of the casual kicks that are purchased from the company site, one dollar is reinvested into protecting the natural habitats of the fish that originally inspired the creation of the shoe line.
Contact Information
Blu Kicks website
Blu Kicks on Facebook
Blu Kicks on Twitter
Based out of San Francisco, California, the company sells slip-on, canvas shoes that are reminiscent both of the Humu fish and other endangered marine animals. When the founders of the company learned that the Humu fish was in danger due to overfishing, they decided to donate funds to protect them from extinction.
For every pair of the casual kicks that are purchased from the company site, one dollar is reinvested into protecting the natural habitats of the fish that originally inspired the creation of the shoe line.
Contact Information
Blu Kicks website
Blu Kicks on Facebook
Blu Kicks on Twitter
Trend Themes
1. Marine Protection - There is a trend towards products and initiatives that help preserve the natural habitats of marine animals like the Humuhumunukunukuapua fish.
2. Endangered Species Awareness - Consumers are increasingly interested in supporting brands that contribute to the preservation of endangered species, like Blu Kicks.
3. Sustainable Fashion - The rise of sustainable fashion includes products like Blu Kicks' canvas shoes, which are both stylish and environmentally conscious.
Industry Implications
1. Footwear - The footwear industry has an opportunity to create products that are inspired by and contribute to the preservation of endangered animals and their habitats.
2. Conservation - The conservation industry can capitalize on the growing consumer demand for initiatives and organizations that aim to protect endangered species and their habitats.
3. Eco-friendly Fashion - The eco-friendly fashion industry can explore collaborations with marine conservation organizations to create products that raise awareness and support the cause.