Startup Hypersay Ensures Audience Engagement With Interactive Slides
Alyson Wyers — June 1, 2017 — Tech
This audience engagement tool is designed for people who regularly deliver presentations, including teachers, lecturers, speakers, workshop facilitators and those who hold meetings on a regularly basis. Based in the UK, startup Hypersay is on a mission to overcome death by Powerpoint.
Currently in beta, the new company enables you to add live interactions to your Powerpoint slides. This includes polls, quizzes, question-posing and video-sharing. To use the audience engagement tool, you simply upload your presentation, add interactions for every slide, share the custom session code with your audience and begin. Borrowing from social media, you can also encourage people to like pages. Other features include being able to see who is following along and who is distracted, control what pages your audience sees and caching slides locally in case the Internet connection stops working.
Currently in beta, the new company enables you to add live interactions to your Powerpoint slides. This includes polls, quizzes, question-posing and video-sharing. To use the audience engagement tool, you simply upload your presentation, add interactions for every slide, share the custom session code with your audience and begin. Borrowing from social media, you can also encourage people to like pages. Other features include being able to see who is following along and who is distracted, control what pages your audience sees and caching slides locally in case the Internet connection stops working.
Trend Themes
1. Interactive Presentations - Hypersay's platform provides interactive tools that can revolutionize the way presentations are conducted and consumed.
2. Real-time Audience Feedback - Hypersay's platform enables presenters to gather feedback from their audiences in real-time and make necessary adjustments to the presentation on the fly.
3. Engagement Analytics - Hypersay's platform provides engagement analytics that can help presenters understand how their audience interacts with their presentation and make data-driven improvements.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Hypersay's platform has the potential to revolutionize the way teachers and lecturers conduct their lessons, making them more interesting and engaging for students.
2. Corporate Training - Hypersay's platform can help corporate trainers make their presentations more interactive and engaging, leading to more effective employee training and development.
3. Marketing and Sales - Hypersay's platform can be used by marketers and salespeople to create interactive and engaging presentations that can help them better engage with potential customers and close more deals.