Fine Arts School by Row Studio Has a Grass Roof You Can Lounge on
How much more enjoyable would school be if you could lounge on the roof while you study? At the Universidad Autonoma Benito Juarez de Oaxaca in Mexico, that might be exactly how students in the future get their inspiration, at least at the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio. The building is designed to have rolling hills on top, covered in real grass, intended to merge modern architecture and education with nature through constant exposure.
Considering how quickly green roofs have gone up in popularity, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more school adopt ecotecture designs similar to that of the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio.
Considering how quickly green roofs have gone up in popularity, I wouldn’t be surprised to see more school adopt ecotecture designs similar to that of the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio.
Trend Themes
1. Green Roofs in Education - More educational institutions may incorporate ecotecture designs for their buildings, such as green roofs, to merge modern architecture and education with nature through constant exposure, as seen in the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio in Mexico.
2. Outdoor Learning Spaces - Schools may start to prioritize creating outdoor spaces for learning and lounging, as seen with the grass-covered roof at the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio in Mexico.
3. Biophilic Design in Education - The trend towards biophilic design in architecture may extend to educational institutions, with schools incorporating natural elements in their designs to promote a sense of connection to the natural world and improve the learning environment, as exemplified by the grass roof at the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio in Mexico.
Industry Implications
1. Education - Education institutions, especially those focused on the arts, may embrace green roof and biophilic design elements to create dynamic learning spaces that promote creativity and sustainability, as demonstrated in the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio in Mexico.
2. Architecture - Architectural firms may see an uptick in demand for sustainable and eco-friendly designs, including green roofs and natural design elements, as more educational institutions like the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio in Mexico seek to prioritize sustainability and biophilic design in their buildings.
3. Landscaping - Landscaping companies may experience increased demand for green roof installations as schools and other buildings seek to incorporate ecotecture designs in their buildings, as seen with the green roof at the Fine Arts School by ROW Studio in Mexico.