What the Hell is Wrong with People?
The world of barf bag collecting is a truly diverse one and much more complicated than I had imagined. Who knew there were whole web pages dedicated to barf bag collections? Even a barf bag museum?
To swap bags with other collectors check here: http://sicksack.com/pukeswap.htm
To visit the barf bag museum go here: http://www.airsicknessbags.com/
Below I've included an excerpt from one barf bag collectors site. If you need a barf bag, he'll send you a starter pack from his own personal collection. Do the right thing folks. Send him an email, get your barf bags! Make this dude famous on the net! He deserves some kind of internet notoriety for being brave enough to share with the world.
To swap bags with other collectors check here: http://sicksack.com/pukeswap.htm
To visit the barf bag museum go here: http://www.airsicknessbags.com/
Below I've included an excerpt from one barf bag collectors site. If you need a barf bag, he'll send you a starter pack from his own personal collection. Do the right thing folks. Send him an email, get your barf bags! Make this dude famous on the net! He deserves some kind of internet notoriety for being brave enough to share with the world.
Trend Themes
1. Barf Bag Collecting - Opportunity for creating a platform or online community for barf bag collectors to connect and trade.
2. Barf Bag Museum - Opportunity for launching unique and niche museums dedicated to unusual collections like barf bags.
3. Barf Bag Trading Sites - Opportunity for developing online platforms specifically designed for barf bag trading and exchange.
Industry Implications
1. Travel and Tourism - Disruptive innovation opportunity lies in creating unique experiences for travelers by incorporating offbeat attractions like barf bag museums.
2. E-commerce - Opportunity for specialized e-commerce platforms to cater to the niche market of collectible barf bags.
3. Online Communities - Opportunity for building online communities and forums dedicated to barf bag collectors and enthusiasts.