75 Watt by Cohen Van Balen Revolves Around a Nonsensical Object
Meghan Young — July 12, 2013 — Unique
References: cohenvanbalen & fastcodesign
75 Watt by Cohen Van Balen, a London-based design studio made up of Tuur Van Balen and Revital Cohen, can be thought of as both a product and a performance. Nevertheless, the more people become familiar with the project, they will realize it is more the latter than the former.
While 75 Watt by Cohen Van Balen revolves around an object, it is a rather nonsensical one that does nothing. But it isn't purposeless. Instead, the process necessary to mass produce this object creates a choreographed dance that in itself is the product. Van Balen reveals, "All of its dimensions, components and materials are designed to create specific movements when they are put together."
75 Watts by Cohen Van Balen was shot on location in a Thermopot factory in China.
While 75 Watt by Cohen Van Balen revolves around an object, it is a rather nonsensical one that does nothing. But it isn't purposeless. Instead, the process necessary to mass produce this object creates a choreographed dance that in itself is the product. Van Balen reveals, "All of its dimensions, components and materials are designed to create specific movements when they are put together."
75 Watts by Cohen Van Balen was shot on location in a Thermopot factory in China.
Trend Themes
1. Choreographed Manufacturing - The practice of designing specific movements for the assembly process can lead to innovative manufacturing methods that prioritize efficiency and precision.
2. Artistic Industrial Design - The use of performance art in industrial design can create unique and visually interesting products that can differentiate a brand from its competitors.
3. Nonsensical Commodities - Creating marketable products that are purely for artistic or entertainment value can have niche appeal and generate buzz and interest surrounding the brand and product.
Industry Implications
1. Manufacturing - Implementing choreographed movements and artistic design in manufacturing can lead to increasing productivity and lowering production costs.
2. Design - The use of artistic expression in industrial design can create unique products and experiences that can set a brand apart and increase brand recognition and loyalty.
3. Entertainment - Creating nonsensical products purely for artistic expression or entertainment value can create buzz and interest surrounding the brand and product, leading to increased sales and brand recognition.