British Man Gets 223 Soldiers Names Tattooed to Never Forget
Robyn Currie — November 13, 2009 — Lifestyle
When you are a former soldier, I am assuming you have a special bond with other soldiers, and when one of you is killed in battle, you all feel it. British soldier Shaun Clark has gotten 223 soldiers names tattooed on his body to remember the fallen members of the British army serving in Afghanistan.
With the services of the tattoo artist being donated, Shawn Clark is hoping to raise funds for an organization that aids returning soldiers and their families. He also plans on updating the 223 soldiers names tattooed on his torso every year.
With the services of the tattoo artist being donated, Shawn Clark is hoping to raise funds for an organization that aids returning soldiers and their families. He also plans on updating the 223 soldiers names tattooed on his torso every year.
Trend Themes
1. Veteran Tattoos - The trend of memorializing fallen soldiers through tattoos continues to grow and presents opportunities for tattoo artists and veterans' organizations to collaborate.
2. Fundraising Ink - More people using tattoos as a platform to raise awareness and funds for important charitable causes represents an innovative fundraising opportunity.
3. Annual Tattoo Updates - A growing trend of annually updating tribute tattoos to include names of fallen soldiers presents a recurring opportunity for tattoo artists and military organizations to collaborate on events and promotions.
Industry Implications
1. Tattoo Industry - The tattoo industry can capitalize on the trend of memorial tattoos by partnering with veterans' organizations and offering special promotions to attract clients interested in this type of tattoo.
2. Veterans Organizations - Veterans organizations can work with tattoo artists to raise awareness and funds for important initiatives by promoting tattoo events or partnering with tattoo shops.
3. Charitable Organizations - Charitable organizations can use tattoos as a unique platform for fundraising and promotion, potentially partnering with tattoo artists or hosting their own tattoo events.