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 Keynote Speaker

Stefanie Hutson

Northern California
Member Since
Aug 2008
I'm a happily self-employed consultant and writer who love to travel and learn circus skills when not working.
What is unique that's not in your bio?
I'm a Kenny G fan under the age of 40.
What's your favorite accomplishment?
Being successfully self-employed for 6 years and counting!
How do you define cool?
Pursuing what you love whether it seems "cool" or not.
What is your secret to uncovering trends?
I follow my interests and sometimes that lines up with what I think other people might like.
How do you reset to be creative?
Exercise. Nature.
Making Food Sexy
Making Food Sexy
Aphrodisiac Cookbooks
Given the way sex has wormed its way into almost every aspect of daily living, it should come as no surprise that new cookbooks seek to inject a little sex into the kitchen, too. New and naughty cookbooks… MORE
Credit Crunch Product Shrinking
Credit Crunch Product Shrinking
Downsized Groceries and Lifestyle Goods
If it seems like your favorite home and grocery products are shrinking, you might be right. An increasing number of major companies have started to shrink their products rather than raise prices and (presumably)… MORE
Cities Fueled By Human Waste
Cities Fueled By Human Waste
San Antonio Goes Brown, Not Green
In an age where everyone is going green, San Antonio, Texas stands out as the lone vanguard city going brown. City officials recently announced a new plan to become the first U.S. city to transform methane… MORE
Nature Closeups
Nature Closeups
Dewdrop Macro Photography
Every day, we pass by millions of tiny scenes without notice. This collection of dewdrop macro photography highlights some amazingly beautiful images found in nature, reminding us that the world is more… MORE
Bird Dance-Offs
Bird Dance-Offs
World's First Avian Dance Competition
This time, "shake a tailfeather" actually involves tailfeathers. Anyone who saw the viral video of Snowball the cockatoo dancing to the Backstreet Boys is well aware that some birds can definitely bust… MORE
Avian Couture
Avian Couture
Apparel for Birds
Despite their naturally beautiful plumage, many birds have been stepping out in even greater style recently, thanks to the bird outfitters at Avian Fashions.  The outfits they create combine form and function,… MORE
Political Footwear
Political Footwear
World Leaders That Wear Crocs
Despite the fact that they’ve invoked the ire of fashion-conscious folks everywhere, Crocs don’t appear to be in danger of disappearing any time soon. In fact, this week found the French Health, Youth,… MORE
Sarah Palin Lookalikes
Sarah Palin Lookalikes
Tina Fey, Peggy Hill & Other Sightings
These days, it seems like Sarah Palin is everywhere.  Of course, that could just be your eyes playing tricks on you.  In the midst of all the political chaos, people have started to notice that Sarah Palin… MORE
Crystal Chairs
Crystal Chairs
The Venus
We’ve all seen crystals at some point, whether in nature, old fashioned rock candy, or souvenir geodes at a tourist trap. Few of us, however, have looked at crystals and felt compelled to create a seat… MORE
Socially Conscious Supply Chains
Socially Conscious Supply Chains
Although eBay has no shortage of charitable contributions to its name, their latest venture is designed to let the world know exactly how socially conscious they can be. On Wednesday, eBay launched a new… MORE
Eco-Friendly Ice Cubes
Eco-Friendly Ice Cubes
Nordic Rocks
Those who are drawn to hermetically-sealed French ice cubes should delight in Nordic Ice Rocks. Nordic Rocks have been mined from pollution-free Swedish rocks, formed into cubes, and brought to market… MORE
Sustainable Home Decor
Sustainable Home Decor
Cork Accessories Hit the Home
While many vintners are moving away from real cork stoppers, it seems that the rest of the world is embracing the springy, natural material. And why not? It's sustainable, reusable, watertight, sound… MORE
Geeky License Plates
Geeky License Plates
Tech-Inspired Vanity Plates
Geek-chic has reached new heights in recent years, with geek culture permeating everything from baked goods to Halloween costumes to jewelry and accessories.  With that in mind, it should come as no surprise… MORE
Heavy Metal Monks
Heavy Metal Monks
Brother Cesare
Religion is typically one of the last things to come to mind in conjunction with heavy metal, but an Italian monk is looking to change that. 62-year-old Brother Cesare Bonizzi discovered heavy metal at… MORE
Peculiar Divides
Peculiar Divides
10 of the World's Strangest Fences
It’s not often that you see groundbreaking design or exceptional creativity in a fence.  Fences are largely installed for functional purposes, and even the most attractive are usually viewed as second-class… MORE
Olympic Kin as Fashion Icons
Olympic Kin as Fashion Icons
Debbie Phelps for Chico's
It may have seemed like all eyes were on Michael Phelps as he swam his way to Olympic victory in Beijing, but the folks at Chico’s clothing were focused firmly on his mother.  Debbie Phelps, the 57-year-old… MORE
Nanotechnology-Enhanced Shaving
Nanotechnology-Enhanced Shaving
The Panasonic Arc & FX Diamond
Nanotechnology seems to pop up in the news pretty regularly, but since many of the applications are medical or scientific in nature, it's easy to assume that it won't affect our day to day lives. In reality,… MORE
Movie Family Portraits
Movie Family Portraits
The Griswolds, Lundegaards, Torrances
Family portraits are always a bit unsettling. They represent fleeting moments in time where, for just a moment, no one was arguing, embarrassing anyone else, or flirting with the babysitter. These cult… MORE
Family Friendly Chic Decor
Family Friendly Chic Decor
5 Frames For Your Child's Art
30 years ago, moms may have been content to display magnets and artwork all over the refrigerator, but many of today's mothers take their cues from HGTV shows and impossibly hip celebrity mothers. In… MORE
Psychedelic Cabinets
Psychedelic Cabinets
Dust Furniture
Most of us just want a comfortable couch to come home to, an accommodating bed to sleep in, and a few functional shelves to house our possessions. Some of us, though, prefer home furnishings that look… MORE
Quick-Dry Underwear
Quick-Dry Underwear
Ex Officio for Adventurers
Most people don't expect their underwear to reflect modern fashion trends. The cut and styles may differ, perhaps, but outside of those factors, our unmentionables haven't seen many changes worth mentioning.… MORE
Starving Artist Fashion
Starving Artist Fashion
Paint Splattered Jeans
100 years ago, people did manual labor, and the lack of a tan was the sign of a person of leisure. Today, a good tan lets people know you have either the time or the money to earn it. So what does… MORE
Television Screensavers
Television Screensavers
5 Ways to Spruce Up A Dull TV
Tired of occupying their walls with unsightly electronics, consumers have found an alternative to the blank screen. With "TV screensavers", thousands of television owners are using their TVs to relax,… MORE