Trend Hunter is always on the look out for the next big thing, which is why we frequently feature record breakers. We have seen a lot of "The World's First, Biggest, Smallest, Fastest, Tallest or Most Expensive" things, but we always hesitate to label them as such, as these adjectives risk becoming outdated very quickly.
That being said, tracking current record holders is critical when scouting out new innovations as it shows the tremendous possibilities of this world.
Following the world's tallest structures, world's smallest innovations, world's biggest adrenaline rushes and the world's most expensive things are some of the biggest, most bizarre record holders featured on Trend Hunter thus far.
These are the biggest things in life that make you go "hmm."
That being said, tracking current record holders is critical when scouting out new innovations as it shows the tremendous possibilities of this world.
Following the world's tallest structures, world's smallest innovations, world's biggest adrenaline rushes and the world's most expensive things are some of the biggest, most bizarre record holders featured on Trend Hunter thus far.
These are the biggest things in life that make you go "hmm."