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26 Star Trek Innovations

From William Shatner Poetry to Extraterrestrial Plushies

— July 30, 2009 — Pop Culture
William Shatner launched Star Trek (and his own career) into the mainstream with a fad that is still ridiculously strong today.

Although William Shatner isn’t only known for his role as James Tiberius Kirk (he’s on ‘Boston Legal’ now and mocking Sarah Palin), it was the role of a lifetime.

If you’ve been around for the days of William Shatner and the original Star Trek (or you just love it), then you’ll definitely dig these 26 Star Trek Innovations.
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Sarah Palin Poetry
Sarah Palin Poetry
William Shatner Recites Sarah Palin's Final Governor Speech on Conan
Cosplay Movie Reviews
Cosplay Movie Reviews
Klingons Review 'Star Trek' for
Star Trek-Inspired Media Viewers
Star Trek-Inspired Media Viewers
The E-VEX Lets You Watch TV in Total Privacy
Star Trek Remix Rap
Star Trek Remix Rap
Jean-Luc Picard Stars in His Very Own Space-Aged Music Video
Geek TV Shows as Movies
Geek TV Shows as Movies
Trailer and Stills from 2009's 'Star Trek' Film
Offbeat Nutcrackers
Offbeat Nutcrackers
Star Trek and Margaret Thatcher
Toys for Trekkies
Toys for Trekkies
Special-Edition Barbie Dolls Released as Tie-In to Upcoming 'Star Trek' Prequel
Political Trekkies
Political Trekkies
Presidential Star Trek Makeovers: Beam Me Up, Obama
Galactic VOIP Phones
Galactic VOIP Phones
Star Trek Original Series Communicator is Geek-Chic
Deceased Geek Chic
Deceased Geek Chic
Star Trek Coffin
Extraterrestrial Plushies
Extraterrestrial Plushies
Stuffed Meerkat ‘Star Trek' Characters by NiftyKnits
Viral Sci-Fi Showdowns
Viral Sci-Fi Showdowns
Star Wars Death Star Destroys Enterprise from Star Trek in San Fran
Geeky Star Trek Crafts
Geeky Star Trek Crafts
Knit Me Up, Scotty, With These Awesome Pieces of Art For Trekkies
Beads as Pixels
Beads as Pixels
Star Trek Bead Curtains
Star Wars and Star Trek Spaceships That You Can Print And Fold
Star Wars and Star Trek Spaceships That You Can Print And Fold
Geeky Collectable Cutlery
Geeky Collectable Cutlery
Star Trek Starfleet Academy Spork Explores Strange New Worlds
Trekkie Art Projects
Trekkie Art Projects
Creative Icons Asked to Personally Commemorate Star Trek
'Star Trek' Plushies
'Star Trek' Plushies
Tribble Toys Skyrocket Amid Sci-Fi Resurgence
Star Trek Apartment for Sale ($1 Million)
Star Trek Apartment for Sale ($1 Million)
Star Trek Control Chairs
Star Trek Control Chairs
Spock-Inspired Seating for Your Home
Custom Star Trek Replica Chairs
Custom Star Trek Replica Chairs
Galactic Supreme Commander Throne
Tony Alleyne's Star Trek Home Is Entirely Voyager Themed
Trekker Modelmania
Trekker Modelmania
Sampling of Lego Star Trek Ships and Sci-Fi Transportation
Geeky Dress Up Photography
Geeky Dress Up Photography
Steve Scholfield's Star Wars and Star Trek Portraits
Wallpaper for Trekkies
Wallpaper for Trekkies
Life-Size Star Trek Wall Murals Let Captain Kirk Hang Out
Couture Corsetry for Nerds
Couture Corsetry for Nerds
'Star Trek'-Inspired Corset Makes Sci-Fi Geeks Go Gaga