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20 Wild Animal Photography Series

From Moody Animal Portraits to Animal Kingdom Captures

— August 14, 2015 — Art & Design
Considering that the average person doesn't come into contact with wild animals on a daily basis, these wild animal photography series show sides of these awe-inspiring creatures that are rarely seen.

Some of the most incredible portraits feature majestic lions, panthers and tigers the subjects of series, making it possible to safely stare into the faces of some of the world's most fearsome animals—an intimate experience many people wouldn't want to have any other way.

As dangerous as these animals may seem to be, there are also a number of series that remind humans are some of the worst predators to these creatures. Some series aim to raise awareness for some of the Earth's most endangered animals, while others show animals out of place in unnatural habits like zoos and urban environments.
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Setimental Urban Elephant Photography
Setimental Urban Elephant Photography
Brent Lewin Captures Elephants in Unnatural Habitats
Grayscale Animal Photography
Grayscale Animal Photography
This Monochrome Museum Photo Series is Moving
Zoomed Wild Animal Photography
Zoomed Wild Animal Photography
Michael Patrick O'Leary Captures Animals in a New Light
Perverse Animal Photography
Perverse Animal Photography
Un_Natural Bestiary by Andrea Alessio Captures Beasts in Zoos
Exotic Animal Awareness Photography
Exotic Animal Awareness Photography
Devin Mitchell's Series Depicts the Plight of Captive Animals
Mystic Animal Photography
Mystic Animal Photography
'India Song' Depicts Animals Lounging in Sacred Structures
Predatory Animal Photography
Predatory Animal Photography
This Intimate Phtography Series Captures Wild Animals in Full Flight
Warmhearted Wildlife Trios
Warmhearted Wildlife Trios
Noah’s Ark Animal Sanctuary Owns a Lion, Tiger and Bear Who are Friends
Nocturnal Animal Photography
Nocturnal Animal Photography
Traer Scott Focuses Her Lens on Night-Dwellers
Zoo Animal Photography
Zoo Animal Photography
Manuela Kulpa Captures Touching Images of Contained Creatures
Majestic Jungle Cat Portraits
Majestic Jungle Cat Portraits
This Bengal Tiger Photography Offers an Intimate Look at the Beasts
Lion-Photographing Robots
Lion-Photographing Robots
The BeetleCam Project by William Burrard-Lucas is Reliant on Technology
Dejected Zoo Animal Photography
Dejected Zoo Animal Photography
'Captive' Reveals the Heartbreaking Reality Behind Zoos
Atmospheric Animal Photography
Atmospheric Animal Photography
Ben Hall Captures the Natural World in Stunning HD Beauty
Adorable Bear Captures
Adorable Bear Captures
Nikolai Zinoviev Photographs Cute and Cuddly Cubs in the Wild
Isolated Safari Animal Portraits
Isolated Safari Animal Portraits
Brad Wilson's Wild Animal Portraits Focus Solely On the Breed
Moody Animal Portraits
Moody Animal Portraits
Wildlife by Alex Teuscher Captures the Serious Side of Nature
Soulful Animal Photography
Soulful Animal Photography
This Animal Photography Photo Series is Graceful and Moving
Animal Kingdom Captures
Animal Kingdom Captures
The Barry Steven Greff 'Of the Wild' Collection is Animalistic
Captive Animal Portraits
Captive Animal Portraits
This Black and White Animal Photography by Lukas Holas is Dark