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27 Revelations in Urination

From Body Fluid Candy to Group Pee Tastings

— June 30, 2009 — Unique
While for some urination has been a subject that is out of bounds in any normal conversation, others see it as something fascinating. The gallery above will delve into some of the most bizarre pee-related features that document everything from urinating robots to female pee stations.

You'll never look at your bodily functions the same way again.

Implications - This is probably a list that you won't want to bring up over the dinner table, but if you ever find yourself in a position where bodily functions is an appropriate topic, feel free to share all these glamorous urination revelations you will come across. Every feature brings a new twist to the table... or should I say toilet?
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Group Urine Tastings
Group Urine Tastings
NASA's ISS Crew Toasts to Wastewater Recycling System (UPDATE)
Bizarre Holistic Healing
Bizarre Holistic Healing
Russian Urine Exported for Health Purposes
Cow Urine Used to Purify Children (Bizarre)
Cow Urine Used to Purify Children (Bizarre)
Peeing on Patrons
Peeing on Patrons
Tenants Above Delicatessen Seek Revenge
Pee Flames
Pee Flames
Does the Ad Convey the Message?
Adjusting PH of Pee
Adjusting PH of Pee
Lawn Biscuits for Dogs Save Grass
Robots that Pee
Robots that Pee
METI Human Patient Simulator
Portable Urine Sticks
Portable Urine Sticks
The Uroclub Allows Golfers to Pee on the Tee (UPDATE)
Disposable Urinal
Disposable Urinal
Travel John For Peemergencies
Potable Pee
Potable Pee
Leonardo Manavella's ‘Agua H20' Converts Urine Into Drinking Water
Pee Powered Battery
Pee Powered Battery
Faux Body Fluid Candy
Faux Body Fluid Candy
Medical Vials Filled With Flavored 'Blood' and 'Urine'
Urine-Powered Batteries
Urine-Powered Batteries
Aqua Power Survival Batteries
Interactive Urinals- Have More Fun While You Pee
Interactive Urinals- Have More Fun While You Pee
Men Can No Longer Pee in Peace, Thanks to Talking Urinals!
Men Can No Longer Pee in Peace, Thanks to Talking Urinals!
Taking a Leak in Style
Taking a Leak in Style
Choose Galvanized Pee Bucket or Giant Spoon Urinal
Pee Pee Portraits
Pee Pee Portraits
Michael Leon Shows Patriotism Using Silhouettes of Male Anatomy
Interactive Gaming Urinals
Interactive Gaming Urinals
Place to Pee
Sasquatch Pees Holiday Greetings
Sasquatch Pees Holiday Greetings
Jack Links Beef Jerky Ad
Compostable Toilets
Compostable Toilets
Biodegradable Peepoo Bags Safely Compost Human Waste
Anti-Pee Pills
Anti-Pee Pills
OTC ‘Lady Guard' Halts Urination
Pee & Poo Dolls
Pee & Poo Dolls
This Cuddly Duo Wins Over Hearts at Design Expo
Vatican Urinals
Vatican Urinals
Holy Pee
Urinals for Women
Urinals for Women
The Peeandgo
Taboo Toys
Taboo Toys
Pee and Poo Dolls Make Bodily Functions Look Cute
Pee Standing Up
Pee Standing Up
P-Mate For Women
Female Urination Stations
Female Urination Stations
'GoGirl' Lets Ladies Pee More Like Gents