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28 University-Minded Infographics

From Tech-Savvy Student Charts to Student Crime Infographics

— August 21, 2012 — Life-Stages
These university-minded infographics are a great way to learn something about university students' involvement in social media, civic causes and safety measures while also getting to appreciate the appealing designs of the infographics. Much prettier than textbooks, these infographics display information that is relevant and useful to you and your education.

Whether you are studying in architecture or medical sciences, these infographics have a little something for every student. Campus security has been a huge issue at some schools and was recently added to the implementation of campus-wide safety initiatives.

At other campuses, social life is of more prominence and these infographics display the information behind social media and more. If you're looking for textbooks, these graphics contain some of the best tips for getting them on the cheap.
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Campus Innovation Sites
Campus Innovation Sites Partners with Universities Creating Positive Social Change
Social Media Studying
Social Media Studying
Buy Readable Textbooks on Facebook Using Kno
Education Comparison Charts
Education Comparison Charts
The Ivy League Facebook-Off Infographic Rates Post-Secondary Schools
Median Money Charts
Median Money Charts
The Average Joe Finance Infographic Features Startling Stats
Academic Preparation Graphs
Academic Preparation Graphs
The 'Ready or Not' Freshman Infograph Shows Weak Points
Student Crime Infographics
Student Crime Infographics
The 'React Mobile' On-Campus Safety Tips are Crucial for Survival
Career Opportunity Graphics
Career Opportunity Graphics
The ‘Make The Most of Your Major’ Infographic Examines Deg
University Degree Infographics
University Degree Infographics
The ‘Higher Education, Ethnicity, Race’ Graphic Examine
Top-Notch Educator Charts
Top-Notch Educator Charts
The 'Teachers are Heroes' Infographic Shows the Role of Instructors
University Learning Graphs
University Learning Graphs
The 'College Study Habits' Infograph is Academic and Informative
Educational Excelling Charts
Educational Excelling Charts
The 'Rise of the AP' is Smarter Than Ever
Evolving Virtual Learning Charts
Evolving Virtual Learning Charts
‘The History of Online Education’ Infographic
Growing Tuition Graphs
Growing Tuition Graphs
The Rising College Costs Infographic Shows the Effects of Higher Prices
Tech-Savvy Student Charts
Tech-Savvy Student Charts
The 'Apps & Education' Infographic Determines Technological Success
Costly College Charts
Costly College Charts
The High Price of Higher Education Infographic Reveals School Tuitions
Classroom Tech Impact Charts
Classroom Tech Impact Charts
The 'How Tech Is Changing College Life' Infographic Shows Progression
Scholar Tendency Graphs
Scholar Tendency Graphs
The 'Successful College Student's Pyramid' is Hilarious
Alternative Education Graphics
Alternative Education Graphics
The 'Self-Learning: The New Masters Degree?' Infographic
Graduate Career Charts
Graduate Career Charts
The 'Numbers Behind Graduate Employment' Infographic Talks Money
Dirty Dorm Statistics
Dirty Dorm Statistics
The 'Big Germ on Campus' Infographic Checks Out Slimey Students
Education Investment Infographic
Education Investment Infographic
The 'Is College Still Worth It' Chart is Insightful
Canadian University Fee Charts
Canadian University Fee Charts
The 'Tuition: An Education' Infographic Looks at Costs
Depressing Education Infographics
Depressing Education Infographics
The Long and Winding Road to a Ph.D Shows School's Downside
Intercontinental Education Charts
Intercontinental Education Charts
The 'America, Meet China' Infographic Takes a Look at Learners
Time-Traveling Tech Graphs
Time-Traveling Tech Graphs
'The Internet of Yesterday and Today' Travels from 1996 to 2011
Painful Procrastination Comics
Painful Procrastination Comics
Cladwell Tanner Takes You Back to School with This Witty Comic
Futuristic Study Sessions
Futuristic Study Sessions
The 'Textbooks of Tomorrow' Infographic Spells it Out
Tuitionless Ivy League Education
Tuitionless Ivy League Education
Open Culture Brings Classes to Your Desktop for Free