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35 Examples of Typographical Decor

From Personalized Font Decor to Inspirational Quote Posters

— July 22, 2014 — Art & Design
People are inundated with stories these days thanks to the upsurge in oversharing across social media outlets and more; these examples of typographical decor show the impact of such modern forms of story-telling. In an attempt to surround oneself with motivational quotes and individual styles, there has been a substantial growth of typographical decor.

Whether people are looking to tell their own stories to guests or simply immerse themselves in the stories of others, this collection of typographical decor is a great starting point that takes words off of the traditional page directly onto walls and more. Furniture is even shaped to take on the form of phrases such as a resounding 'YES!' Personal expression is all the more intimate with these designs.
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Stackable Typographic Mugs
Stackable Typographic Mugs
These Stackable Mugs Let You Form Words and Even Phrases
Board Game Cushion Covers
Board Game Cushion Covers
Bambina Scrabble Pillow Cases Spell Out Comfort
Timely Typographical Tips
Timely Typographical Tips
Guilherme Menga's Daily Advice Blog Offers Hand-Lettered Inspiration
Alphabet-Inspired Abodes
Alphabet-Inspired Abodes
Coil by Akihisa Hirata Uses the Letter S to Make a Slithery Masterpiece
Customized Photo Cushions
Customized Photo Cushions
Pillowords by Stitchtagram Introduces Text into the Comfy Mix
Tricky Typographical Seating
Tricky Typographical Seating
The 'C-H-A-I-R' Chair is Wordy
Blood-Pumping Prints
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Jessica Hische's Vein Typography is Artistic and Clever
Magical Magnetic Fonts
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The Dominic Le-Hair Typography Forms Letters by Attraction
Timeless Traveler Timepieces
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The Goodwin + Goodwin 'Typographic Time Zone Clocks' are Fun
Literal Typography Shelving
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The Books Shelf by Matt Innes Can Be Rearranged to Form Other 'Words'
Bold Motivational Bookends
Bold Motivational Bookends
These 'Dream Big' Bookends are both Functional and Inspiring
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3D Typography Furnishings (UPDATE)
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Sleep-Encouraging Bedspreads
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This Keep Calm Bedding Motivates You to Get Some Rest
Sophisticated Typography Chairs
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Typographic Table Settings
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Alphabet Seating
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Personalized Typographic Love Maps
Personalized Typographic Love Maps
This Personalized Map Heart Makes the Perfect Wedding Gift
Personalized Typography Decor
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Typographic Seating
Typographic Seating
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Wall-Mounted Font Furniture
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DIY Typographic Wall Decals
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Motivational Wall Stickers
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Inspirational Quote Posters
Inspirational Quote Posters
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